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Wrong BASE HREF in checkout using Firefox

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    In FireFox there is private browsing. The site works fine there but as soon as I go back to normal browsing the basket stop working again.

    There must be some files that are not deleting when clearing FF History?
    Elliott - Weybridge Lights


      I've just checked the basket page

      and got
      HTML Code:
      <BASE  HREF="">
      in the head on the cgi page. when it should be
      HTML Code:
      <BASE  HREF="">
      This tells the browser to get the stylesheet from

      HTML Code:
      <BASE  HREF="">
      which does not exist.
      I'd try a refresh first to see if that rectifies the script base that's causing this.
      Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
      Ecommerce Digital Marketing

      SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

      SellerDeck Hosting
      SellerDeck Digital Marketing


        Originally posted by fergusw View Post
        I've just checked the basket page

        and got
        HTML Code:
        <BASE  HREF="">
        in the head on the cgi page. when it should be
        HTML Code:
        <BASE  HREF="">
        This tells the browser to get the stylesheet from

        HTML Code:
        <BASE  HREF="">
        which does not exist.
        I'd try a refresh first to see if that rectifies the script base that's causing this.

        So it not me going mad.

        I have already done a refresh. Will try again later

        Elliott - Weybridge Lights


          I had a similar problem to this a couple of days ago. I had been working on one site then swapped to another and uploaded a change. On the newly uploaded site I saw the base herf path from the earlier site. In Actinic Design and Preview however it looked correct. For some reason Actinic was still trying to upload the base href from the earlier site. It was only giving a problem on cgi pages.

          Closing Actinic and opening both sites, compacting them both and then uploading a couple of times seems to rectify the problem. Odd.


            Just done a purge and refresh. And still get the error.

            I have worked out, if you clear the cookies and history and go to the basket before the SSP page the basket works fine.

            If you clear you cookie and history and go to the SPP first and go to the basket the basket is broken.

            Still can not work out why this happing in firefox.
            Elliott - Weybridge Lights



              If you view the page source on the cart page in FF or Safari you see what Fergus posted however if you follow the same actions and view the page source in IE the code is correct.
              Chrome on the other hand won't show the page source at all for that page and instead comes back with this:
              <HTML><TITLE>Actinic</TITLE><BODY><H1>A General Script Error Occurred</H1><HR>Error: The input is NULL<HR>Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner.</BODY></HTML>
              BUT the cart showed correctly as it did in IE.

              As I mentioned earlier the only way I resolved this before was to compact, open and close Actinic and do a purge and refresh.



                I did that all last night.

                1. compact and reopen
                2. close and compact in Access
                3. open actinic
                4 did a Purge and refresh

                Chrome on the other hand won't show the page source at all for that page and instead comes back with this:
                <HTML><TITLE>Actinic</TITLE><BODY><H1>A General Script Error Occurred</H1><HR>Error: The input is NULL<HR>Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner.</BODY></HTML>
                In chrome if you go to inspect element, you can see the HTML and the Base href is right.

                There must be something in the database that is making this happen. As i have delete all the files in the CGI folder on the server.

                And still no joy. I think its time to contact Support.
                Elliott - Weybridge Lights



                  I think you're right Elliot I can't think of anything else to check I'm afraid.


                    Hi every one

                    I am still having this problem. Support has been looking into this for me as well.

                    So far they are saying something is corrupting when uploading.

                    I have now uploaded the bog standard silver theme with add to cart on ext info page like i have on my site. The problem is still there, so i know it not my design work is the problem.

                    I then turn off windows firewall and antivirus software that i have on the pc and uploaded again. And the problem still happens.

                    My thoughts are that it could be the firewall on the router or kaspersky on the other pcs on the network messing with the upload.

                    Can any one else think what could be corrupting the upload

                    Elliott - Weybridge Lights



                      Is this the same problem as this known bug, see fix on post 7:



                        Originally posted by peblaco View Post
                        Is this the same problem as this known bug, see fix on post 7:

                        Thank you Louise for pointing me to that thread.

                        It has sorted my problem out.

                        Elliott - Weybridge Lights


