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Codepath SPP Plugin - too many add to cart buttons?

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    Codepath SPP Plugin - too many add to cart buttons?

    I have installed Codepath’s SPP Plugin, and created a new layout based on code which Codepath provided to display add to cart and quantity and the newly created Product Subsections.

    I have updated the site without issue and everything works fine, creating add to cart and quantity box for each product at the new sub section. The exception is where a product has one or more fragments with it at the product level. Each fragment at the same level as the product results in the addition of a new ‘Add to cart’ & ‘quantity box’. For example, A product with 3 fragments, will have 4 add to cart buttons and 4 quantity boxes at new parent sub sections when used with the new layout.

    Has anyone encountered this before or know what may be causing it?

    Also, does anyone know how the top rated products section is supposed to populate as it is empty on my site? I tired inserting a soapbox layout into the section but this cascaded through the entire site, rather than just the Top Rated Product page.

    regarding your first problem, this happens using the manual method in Actinic too. you need a small bit of code to add to your layout (i'm surprised Codepath doesn't mention this, actually)

    THIS THREAD has a wealth of information on listing on the first product, skipping fragments and more


      Thanks for the helpful hand Tracey.

      The layout code within the links ( ) works a treat, however, it just has the add to cart button and not the Quantity box which I want too.

      However, I guess the fact that the other code works for me, means that my site is ok and its the layout code I was given that is causing the issue?
      I have sent Andy at codepath an email to see if he sent me the wrong layout code by accident or if he had others he can send.

      Fingers crossed & Thanks

