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Offline order adjustments

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    Offline order adjustments

    We've upgrade from v8.53 to v10.0.1

    We are finding that the "Offline order adjustments" to an order are not being printed (we specifically need this info on the "data entry" report - not checked the packing list/invoice)

    How do I fix this?

    The report does have @AdjustmentMessage box,
    and edit field object gives:
    {Orders.Adjustment Message}

    We are using the original installed report for v10. (I tried to use the v8 but fails on all fields)

    Is the report wrong in any way? Or something else...?

    The Adjustment Description and value shows under the list of products purchased for me in v10.01 - as it does in v8.
    @Adjustment Message is not the text from the Adjustment Description or Explanation. What you are referring to is no longer used - since when? - I don't know, but I would suspect it was actually no longer used before v8.

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding?


      I'm really just guessing that's the field, but I think it's not.

      I think it should be inside the "InvoiceDetail" box...
      Why? - I just did the invoice and it's printed on the invoice (attaching to the product lines)

      So, what report shows the offline adjustment lines:
      Packing List (orders.rpt) & Data Entry (dataentry.rpt) = No
      Invoice (invoice.rpt) = Yes.

      I do see that the invoice.rpt has two boxes:
      InvoiceDetail - 01

      Whilst the other two (orders.rpt & dataentry.rpt) just has the "InvoiceDetail"

      In all reports, I cannot see any boxes in either of the above that looks like something for "offline adjustment" - all three reports have following boxes in the "InvoiceDetail" (& "InvoiceDetail - 01")


      I cannot see where the problem is...
      (We need the "offline adjustment" showing in the printouts from both the orders.rpt & dataentry.rpt, currently only shows on invoice.rpt)



        The Adjustment and Adjustment Description show on the Invoice and Data Entry report that I tested now in v10.01. It shows as expected at the end of the products in both the invoice and the data entry report. See attachement.

        Are you not seeing this?
        Attached Files


          Definitely does not show, just done another reprint of it...

          I've renamed the original when installed initially, and made a copy to modify to use.

          My modifed one doesn't show, so I've reverted to the original to see if I've done something wrong, but no, I'm using the original file...


            This is the one from the default install which works for me:
            (Note just checked this is from 10.00 not 10.01)
            Attached Files


              Just tried your file, does not show.

              I think your adjustment figure looks different format.
              - not sure if its the same thing we're talking about.

              What I'm talking about is:
              When you open up the order, under "Line Items" Tab, there are ten buttons beneath the list, one of them is "add adjustment".

              It's a standalone adjustment (not linked to any product)

              It is this description that is not printing... Can you check on yours?

              Thank you


                That's the same place I added the sample adjustment in my post earlier. It's not linked to a product but is listed under the products. See attached.

                The adjustment forms part of the order detail, in the same way that a product does which is why it is shown under the product list on the report.

                How did it appear for you in v8 before upgrading?
                Attached Files


                  Ahh... I found out why!

                  The adjustment we made is for informational purpose - ie for our picker.
                  So the adjustment was nil value.

                  I've made the adjustment with a 0.01 value, and it prints!

                  What do I need to do so that it prints regardless of the value.
                  (I think I can figure it out now... probably to change the section property - but which one? I can compare the invoice.rpt & dataentry.rpt and one of them must be different! Let me know which box refers to the offline adjustment, that would be quicker for me)

                  Thank you.


                    In the InvoiceDetail subreport change the Suppression of Details b & c.

                    Change the Suppression from true to false for both of those Details as per:


                    else if ({OrderDetail.nLineType} >= 2 AND {OrderDetail.TotalCost} = 0) then


                    else if ({OrderDetail.nLineType} >= 2 AND {OrderDetail.TotalCost} = 0) then

                    Note: not fully tested - that's up to you.


                      Thank you, will do some tests tonight!


                        I'm not very adept with Crystal Reports...

                        in the DataEntry.rpt,

                        Sections b & c have same settings:
                        "Freeform placement" & "Keep Together" are both ticked, all other are blank.

                        Following your instructions, no change there, right?

                        Okay next is the formula change, I don't know where the code goes...

                        Thank you.


                          ah, found the formula bits.

                          tried your code, didn't work.

                          I instead:
                          For the order.rpt: delete the line
                          "else if({OrderDetail.nLineType} >= 2) then true"

                          for the DataEntry.rpt: delete the line
                          "else if({OrderDetail.nLineType} >= 2 AND {OrderDetail.TotalCost} = 0)) then true"

                          Both will now print. Thank you for your assistance!

                          Rgds, Tak.


                            Originally posted by zgap111 View Post
                            ...tried your code, didn't work.
                            for the DataEntry.rpt: delete the line
                            "else if({OrderDetail.nLineType} >= 2 AND {OrderDetail.TotalCost} = 0)) then true"
                            Which has exactly the same effect as what I said by changing the 'true' to 'false'.


                              Thank you for your help.

