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Order Quantity on Invoice

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    Order Quantity on Invoice

    When using Actinic v7, we always printed a data entry report to be packed with the order (we somehow changed the title to 'Invoice') as it contained all the information needed to pack the order.

    I have downloaded and installed Mole End/ Integrated Label software for use with v10. But:

    The data entry report still has all the info needed, but I do not know how to change the title to 'Invoice'. And the label software does not print the delivery instructions on the address label. It also has a load of white space at the top of the Invoice/Deliver address, not sure where that's come from!

    The Invoice does not print 'quantity ordered' - only quantity shipped (which is no use as this is printed before items are shipped).

    The packing list does not contain the costs, so it cannot be disguised as an Invoice...

    You can change the Data Entry to Invoice by going to Design Text and changing Phase -1 ID 696.

    It is possible to change Qty Shipped to Qty Ordered on the Invoice. You can PM me if you're interested in having that changed but if you're using the Mole-End reports then they could also help you with this and the the label problem.

