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Changed my contact form but getting a CGI error

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    Changed my contact form but getting a CGI error

    Hi everyone,

    Hopefully someone can help. I've edited our contact form to add in a couple of extra fields but unfortunately when I come to upload it, I'm getting the following error:

    The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers."

    I've used the Advanced Users Guide to edit both the HTML and the perl document and I'm pretty sure I've followed the instructions (i've done it twice just to be sure I didn't make a stupid mistake).

    If anyone has any ideas about how I can fix it please reply :-)

    Forgot to say, I'm running Actinic 10....

    The form isn't live right now, just using it in test mode, URL is

    Thanks in advance!


      Revert the contact form to default and test it works, then reapply the KB.

      if the default works, but your amendments dont- show us the code you are adding


        So you think it's a problem with the html rather than the perl doc?


          The first place i'd look is tothe changes you've made, but i'd check the default works before making any changes so you can pinpoint the issue.

          see my previous post as I was editing it at the same time as your post.


            I'll give it a whirl, how do I go back to the default contact form now?


              Thanks for the heads up. I rang actinic and they helped me reset the contact page. For future reference, you go to Design-Library-Web page inner layout-Contact us bulk area & contact us inner layout and then right click. Then you select 'revert to factory settings.

              Just one more question though. I think the problem was my radio buttons. Does anyone know a good html / php site for radio buttons??

              Thanks in advance!

