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Login Problem

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    Login Problem

    We've upgraded from v8.52, now on v10.0.2KIIA

    We have a trade site and a customer just told us they cannot login, message:

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: The requested file (../index.html) is outside the scope of the script. If you believe the requested page should be served please contact the site operator.
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner
    I've searched a bit, tried following:

    Web > Refresh site
    = no joy.

    Help > Troubleshooting... > Website Purge and Refresh... (ticked all 3 options)
    = no joy.

    Changed the design:
    Design > Themes : Smart & The Blues
    = after changing the theme, my home IE8 browser seem to login, but the work IE8 fails, and both work & home Firefox failed. I then "delete browsing history" on the home IE8, and it now displays the error message also.

    The Network Settings has all passes, no warnings or failed messages, even sent an email successfully...

    The upgrade from v8 to v10 has changed something...


    Thank you.

    have you tried delete all the files on your the ftp server, then publish to web?


      Not yet, but I will try.

      Will update on the result!


        Believe it or not, it's been so busy, I've only just tried it.

        I renamed every folder and file with a _BAK on the end
        eg. folder cgi-bin_BAK ; folder acatalog_BAK ; file index.html_BAK etc...

        Tested the webpage = error / cannot find = correct response
        Refresh site = fail on "cgi-bin could not find"
        Do Test Network Settings = fail (I thought it created the cgi-bin file)
        I manually create a cgi-bin folder
        Do Test Network Settings = success
        Refresh site = success

        Login = fail, same error message.

        What now?


          Did you amend any of the scripts in the 8.5.2 version?

          Have you changed the script ID number and done a refresh?
          Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
          SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
          Based in rural Northants


            such a long time ago, cannot remember.

            from memory:
            using the advanced guide to:

            changed the : to make the order number shorter.
            added the postcode check : customer to re-enter the postcode (i think that's a default feature now)

            ScriptID (This is the id number in network setting right?), we have a few sites and this one is set to number "3" and has not been changed for v10.

            Can I return to default scripts?


              Just changed ScriptID from "3" to "5", ran network test = success
              Refreshed site
              Login = Same error message.


                Now this is weird.

                I've changed the ScriptID back to "3", ran test, and refreshed.

                I've not closed my firefox browser and just tried to login, and it didn't show the error message, but (I just do user = "test", and pass= "test" - user/pass does not exist)
                No such user (or invalid password...)
                Please wait for your browser to forward you to the next page or click here.

                I now open up IE8, and try to login, but I get the error message (A General Script Error Occurred)
                Just tried it with Google Chrome = error message.

                Ah, I've closed the TAB on firefox, and opened a new one, tried the login = error message.

                That is strange.

                What now?


                  can you give us the site address to look at?
                  Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                  SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                  Based in rural Northants


                    it's :



                      I definitely get this error if I login from the home page.

                      From a product page, when I login I get asked if I only want to see the content delivered securely or all content. If I choose secure stuff only, I get no styling - so that needs looking at as well.

                      Do you have a user called "test"?
                      Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                      SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                      Based in rural Northants


                        No user called "test"...
                        if it works, it should say "no such user" = working...

                        product page styling: I don't seem to get that problem, whenever I click on the "login" (whether it's from the homepage or a product page or even the checkout page) it goes to a "https://" address

                        I can't see anything there that is outside of the site - there used to be a javascript thing for geotrust image with date/time, got rid of that as it caused the page to not have a proper padlock...


                          I'm using IE8 and I get this warning.

                          In Firefox, it just seems to work.

                          I've done some more testing on your site. The general script error only happens when logging in from your site home page
                          Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                          SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                          Based in rural Northants



                            Since you're using Actinic to generate the home page can you set "Design | Design Options -> Home Page link" to "Brochure", update/refresh the site and check what happens.
                            Kiran Chandran
                            Technical Support - SellerDeck

                            Further help can also be found at



                              From home (Windows 7), any page to the login page = error
                              From work (WinXP), symptoms same as Goz's

                              Okay, did the design options > Brochure

                              firefox = works!
                              IE8 = Insecure items YES/NO
                              : NO = looks fine
                              : YES = shows a messed up page... - I'm not sure what insecure items are there on the login page...

                              ## I've created the test login user : for IE8
                              : Successful login = ok
                              : Failed login = messed up page


