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Getting Price to show for Component

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    Getting Price to show for Component

    I know there must be a simple answer to this but I just can't seem to find it! so I give in !

    I have added a component to a product, entered a price and have ticked the box to allow customers to choose it as 'optional'.

    But when previewed I can not get the price to display along side the component.

    i.e. on the same product I have a component which has an attribute with a number of options, all of the options display with the price along side the description ???

    Can anyone point me in the right direction ???

    Any help would be very much appreciated.



    Not sure if this is what you need, but it's what catches me out...

    Click on the Component, then in Component Details click the Layout option. In there is an 'Include Prices' checkbox that needs to be on.


      Hi Dave

      Thanks for your reply.

      But the option you mention is 'greyed out' unless you have a few permutations of the component in which case it is then selectable.

      I have just got a basic component that is an optional purchase when buying the rest of the product. It has no permutations, it is just 'as is' so to speak!

      I am sure I am missing something obvious!



        Permutations add the prices, if you have no permutations, you have no prices.


          I have asked about this a couple of times over the years and it is still not fixed. I had to pay for special additional programming to be done to get this to work.

          We also have components that do not have or need "permutations" (as there are no colour / size / variation issues) and you would have thought it would be a no-brainer to get the price to display but for some reason this is STILL NOT POSSIBLE!!

          Sorry about that - ask TECLAN as they did the programming for me and it works well.



            I've just been digging around in the actinic code, and it does not show prices for associated products. Won't even show the name of the associated product!

            Looks like you'll have to just type the price into the Component HTML field alongside the description you've given it.

