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Flash elements don't show on Home page

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    Flash elements don't show on Home page

    Good day,

    I was able to embed flash on any page, except for the HOME (index.html) page. Tried !<< >>! Tried different HTML embedding codes. It just doesn't show.

    It says "Movie not loaded" when I upload to website. I added the initial swf, the swfobject.js to additional files (which doesn't do anything, it works without it either on other pages).

    I have included the swf flash file in all Preview and SiteHTML folders.

    By methods of exclusion I hoped to figure out it would finally play, BUT...
    Spent more than 2 hours exploring the layouts and other settings, my FINAL word is nothing but !<<HELP>>!

    The flash shows in Preview Mode. What am I missing?


    I presume you tried !!<....>!! and that !<<....>>! was a typo.

    Try using the full URL of where the movie will reside, ie if it's uploaded by Actinic then use

    Similarly for the swfobject.js file referenced in the layout.


      drounding, making a domain link solved it.


        Sorry for double posting.

        In case I have clickable links bound to a flash element I need to set the domain link as well and not the internal page name ( instead of just name.html) ? Because internal links don't work anymore since I've set flash to full domain path. Once I upload it shows a 404 page when I click a flash element.


