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An easy way to move a site to a new server

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    An easy way to move a site to a new server

    Thought I would share this little trick as it has just worked nicely for me!

    When moving a site from one server to another, it is tricky to get Actinic to upload to the new server before the domain has switched over. Frustrated by having to bodge multiple uploads (first using IP addresses and then with the proper domain) I tried this:

    1. Collect all orders from live site
    2. Export network settings replacing FTP host with correct IP address)
    3. Set-up up new network settings again using IP address for FTP host
    4. Click on 'proxy' button and select use windows settings for HTML
    5. Export new set of network settings with sensible name
    6. Edit windows "hosts" files using notepad (run as administrator) and add IP address of new server and full site domain

    e.g. 123.456.789.012

    7. Run a site refresh to upload site to new server
    8. Manually copy across any root files (.htaccess, robots.txt etc) via FTP
    9. Test new site via browser to ensure all working ok
    10. Change A record/CName or Nameservers for domain and wait upto 48 hours
    11. Remove line in "hosts" file

    I am not sure but you might need to restart Actinic between stages 6 & 7.

    No idea how fool proof this is but has worked for me and saved a lot of time/uploads. Don't forget if you get any orders in the 48 hours (if you did a nameserver change - usually less if you did a DNS record change) before the domain has switched over you will need to import the old network settings to collect them. For this reason you may wish to immediately switch back to the old settings for 24-48 hours to collect orders from the old server and then use the new settings from then on.

    Hope this all makes sense and hopefully this will be useful to someone.


    P.S. The "hosts" file is usually in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc and needs to be loaded via notepad running as an adminstrator. To do this find notepad in your start menu and right-click choosing 'Run as an administrator'. Note that all windows programs will be affected by this entry so don't get confused. Test from another computer to see if the sites have really switched over by pinging your domain (Start, run, "cmd", "ping" and check which IP address is being returned)
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    Actinic Ecommerce, CMS and Video production


    I will just add to this that Actinic seems to be rather reluctant to let you install the older (original server) set of network settings and download orders made whilst the transfer takes place. It wants you to perform an upload and before you can download orders. and then for some strange reason when you switch back to your new server it requires another upload before it will let you download orders again!

    Very frustrating
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    Actinic Ecommerce, CMS and Video production


      It is best to suspend ordering, upload that then wait for 30 minutes, and then download orders before switching.

      Actinic will track the date and time of the files which are online vs those created by the database - if different then it will force an upload first. The same happens when you move a site to a new user PC, this forces a full upload.


        Originally posted by drounding View Post
        It is best to suspend ordering, upload that then wait for 30 minutes, and then download orders before switching.

        Actinic will track the date and time of the files which are online vs those created by the database - if different then it will force an upload first. The same happens when you move a site to a new user PC, this forces a full upload.
        Agreed. Should have thought of that before. Thanks for your input.

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        Actinic Ecommerce, CMS and Video production

