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Product Options

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    Product Options

    I'm trying to set up a product in my catalogue which comes with an optional extra at an additional cost. I've tried following the example in the Actinic Guide book but I can't seem to get it to appear in the way that I want.

    The product is a jacket which comes in various sizes, with the option to purchase a detachable hood for an extra price. The optional hood also appears elsewhere in my catalogue as an item available for purchase without the jacket. All I want is a radio button that customers can click on to add the hood option when purchasing the jacket and for it to show the additional cost of the hood next to the option.

    Could someone please step me through the process to do this. It should be simple but I'm struggling to get it right.


    You need to setup the jacket as below

    Product - Jacket
    -Component (for size)
    --Attribute (for size)
    ---Choices (sizes)
    -Component for optional hood. click 'component is optional' and this will present customer with a checkbox to add or not.


      You can't get the cost added to the option (component) automatically, you need to type it in yourself into the name.


        Thanks for that help Tracey & Lee.

        Tracey, by adding component above the attributes and choices for jacket size, the component needs a component name as well as HTML for name. If I write 'Size' in both, obviously the HTML page then displays the label 'Size' twice above the pull-down box, which I don't want. I can omit the HTML name to get rid of one of theese labels but the remaining 'Size' label appears one line higher up from the pull-down box rather than sitting right on top of it, which it would do if I just put attributes and choices directly under the product rather than using component. Is there any way around this?


          You don't have to fill out the fields on both, just fill out one of them, the component from memory.

