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Coding errors stopping ftp

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    Coding errors stopping ftp

    I have just gone to upload a new site. There are four errors but I have been told they are nothing to worry about.
    The problem is, although they might not be anything to worry about they are, or at least one of them is stopping me from uploading my site.

    Has anybody else experienced this problem?

    The site has taken since July to develop so I am deserate to get it launched and try to capture Christmas sales.
    Attached Files

    That seems odd. Looks like standard layout code to me.
    It could be that, in the expanded code, it isn't 100% correct

    Have you tried just reverting it to factory (Design Library, Permutation Row Layout, right click on affected layout > Revert to Factory Settings) just to see if it clears the error?

    You can proceed with uploads even without coding errors though. just click "No" at the first prompt and the upload should continue anyway.


      Thanks Tracey, I have uploaded by selecting no but need to use Jans One Stop Automation. Therefore I can't select no every time I need to upolad.

      I'll try to revert to factory settings.

      Are the other errors anything to worry about?


        I reverted to factory settings but the error remained. I have an external spread sheet that controls our stock levels and prices, when I disconnected that the error was corrected. I don't see how the spreadsheet would cause an error because there are only 3 colums for 'product', 'Stock In Hand' and 'Price'.

        I have imported the excel speadsheet into Access and conected to the new Access database and that also causes the same error. Very strange!

        Any ideas?


          Originally posted by SolSearcher View Post
          Thanks Tracey, I have uploaded by selecting no but need to use Jans One Stop Automation. Therefore I can't select no every time I need to upolad.
          actually, you can by going to Options > Upload Dialog Handling > Yes/No options and selecting "No"

          Doesn't eliminate the error but it will mean you can carry on using OSA to upload.


            I believe there are issues with external linking and V10 but I will leave it to someone who knows more (anything LOL) about it to confirm/clarify


              Thanks Tracey, I can now go ahead and launch the site!

              Have a great weekend, once again, thanks for your help.


