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Issue with 'PSP Bounce Page' to paypal

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    Issue with 'PSP Bounce Page' to paypal

    Hi - my clients checkout and login pages have SSL enabled. If a customer chooses 'Paypal' as a payment method, the psp bounce page displays the message 'Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely'.

    Looking at the html code the problem is that the Paypal button image retrieved from the Paypal server is delivered as an http and not an https file. See:
    <input type="image" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!" name="submit" src="">
    I have spoken to Actinic Support and they have told me that the problem is due to the SSL being on a different server to the website. So my initial website is:

    and the SSL is:

    So it appears I have 2 alternatives:
    1. Remove SSL from the checkout and login pages
    2. See if Claranet can provide a dedicated SSL certificate on the same server.

    Has anyone else come across this issue? If so did you get it working without resorting to the 2 options above?

    Have you tried putting the image on your server and referencing it securely instead of on their server? Another bum point for the sucky SSL, my word it so sucks.


      mmmmm - that's interesting. I have just looked at the code in Act_OCCPayPalTemplate.html and the link is hard coded as a 'http' link:

      <input type="image" src="" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">
      Surely this would not work for anyone who uses SSL in their checkout?


        Sounds about right, with only 1 in 100 probably using SSL nowadays, if not less, i guess it's just not something that comes up too often.

