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Send emails for all un-despatched orders

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    Send emails for all un-despatched orders

    I can't seem to find the tutorial for this...and can't think what else to search for!

    As the snow has bought us to a standstill, I need to email all customers who have not yet had their order. I have written an email template, so I can send 200 emails manually... if I sat here all day (there's a fire, so I'm tempted!). But is there an easier way?


    I have been working on this again this morning. I am investigating mailing lists, which I will try to export into Outlook (although my knowledge is a bit limited there). To start with setting the Dates ordered by to July - Nov with order status pending only bought up 8 results. Then I found text from a previous search in the product search tab, so I removed that. Now I cannot get the filter to bring up any orders at all! I have tried lots of combinations, and nothing happens. I want to find all orders that have not been despatched (I am using Actinic Business).

    It will be quicker to run through 300 or so orders manually I think!

    Thanks for your help

    *Edit* I ran it again and it worked. I changed nothing!!! Still not happy with using outlook. think I'll keep it all in Actinic and email manually, otherwise I won't easily know who I have emailed & who I haven't, & if the filter found all the orders!

