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Terms and condition

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    Terms and condition

    Hi - braved the snow and came in all on my own yesterday and finally did the v10 upgrade. Went pretty well actually and I am happy. Just noticed a couple of bits to do with colour on the checkout which I solved with the help of the forum - great!
    One thing I have not found the answer to is the popup link for terms and conditons on the checkout. When I click the link I get an error for both IE and Firefox saying that the page needs to be reloaded. (see pic). I dont remember this happening before. And, when the popup appears it has the same colour issues (black text on blackish background) that the checkout had and I'm not sure which stylesheet settings to change.

    Anyone know how to fix this link issue and text colours for the popup terms? Please feel free to put test orders through on



    I had a problem with my terms and conditions link, it was redirecting me to a script error? I submitted a support request and they got back to me saying Id have to remove all the javascripts, I solved it by removing their link to the terms and conditions and adding my own using <a href to open it in a different window. Worked fine for me but id recommend making a snapshot before hand since it might not solve your problem/create more problems


      Hi Jez, did this solve your problem?

      You can also change the layout for just your checkout pages, you can do this through Design | Themes | Advanced Themes Configuration (button) | Page Layouts-> Checkout Page Layout. You’ll find a drop down list of all outer layout and you choose what you want from there. Probably best to take a snapshot before you do this


        Hi Keith - thanks for the helpful reply.
        What coding did you use to open the terms in a different window, and what page did the link point to ?
        I have played around with this a bit but did not get a satisfactory result.



          Hi Jez,

          I am not a professional web designer so there may be a better way to do this but this is what I do;

          Insert this into the <head> section,

          <script type="text/javascript">
          // Popup window code
          function newPopup(url) {
          popupWindow =

          And use this to open the windows,

          <a href="JavaScript:newPopup('');">Click here to view Terms and Conditions</a>

          I use this to pop out PDFs too so its come in quite useful. You can change the width, height etc of the window too.

          Hope that helps

