I would like to be able to show a product or two with 'Add To Cart' buttons in the sidebar throughout the site.
I Have added
And on a product page the product displays beautifully in the sidebar.
I have tried hard coding SectionID and SectionCatFile but the sidebar still displays the products of the page it is on.
What is it that tells the product layout which product to display and can I hard code that for my sidebar product layout?
There is some javascript in the header that seems to relate to products being shown:
Could this be adapted to apply to my sidebar product div so the same product appears throughout the site, brouchure and sections?
Any thoughts would be extremely welcome.
Thank you.
I Have added
<actinic:block type="ProductList"> Compact product layout </actinic:block>
I have tried hard coding SectionID and SectionCatFile but the sidebar still displays the products of the page it is on.
What is it that tells the product layout which product to display and can I hard code that for my sidebar product layout?
There is some javascript in the header that seems to relate to products being shown:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function displayStock() { var sProdRefs = ""; var sStockList = ""; getSectionStock('http://www.graphicz.eu.com/cgi-bin/st000001.cgi', '21', sProdRefs, sStockList, ''); } AttachEvent(window, "load", displayStock); </script>
Any thoughts would be extremely welcome.
Thank you.