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V10 - Errors

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    V10 - Errors

    Hello I currently have V9 live and V10 in test mode - muy problem is an error message on the image section located in the description pages - this is on all pages i.e. over 1000 pages and the error message is the same on all of them - what am I to do to fix it?
    Tel: 0845 1080047 - Website:

    We can't see it, so hows about giving us the error message or providing a URL so we can see it? Pretty difficult to help you out without seeing it ourselves. A error showing on every page is a good error to solve, usually just means one problem in the layout.


      Not sure how to supply a url wehn in test mode - however

      This is the error message that appears where the image should be:

      Warning: include_once (dpimagesupport.php) failed to open stream; No such file or directory in main on line 3

      Warning: include_once failed opening 'dpimagesupport.php' for inclusion (include_path='C:\php5\pera') in main line 3 Fatal error: Call to undefined function saveimage() in main on line 23
      Tel: 0845 1080047 - Website:


        Sounds like the file dpimagesupport.php is not where it is expected to be. It needs to be in the site1 directory. That file is part of Norman's multimage or lightbox add-in, check with Norman to see if you need an updated version for Actinic v10.


          your using normans light box solution and need to copy the file to the site1 directory


            Originally posted by drounding View Post
            Sounds like the file dpimagesupport.php is not where it is expected to be. It needs to be in the site1 directory. That file is part of Norman's multimage add-in, check with Norman to see if you need an updated version for Actinic v10.
            its the same version as far as im aware, i use it on my kite site


              I'm using multi-image v212-1002. I don't think the php file has changed but I think the js has.


                i had a conflict with another addon and norman changed his code, but i cant remember when and what version but im sure it was before V10 and when i upgraded everything worked as before


                  Maybe it's just a 'better coding' update rather than a requirement then.


                    Thank you Lee

                    Big 'Thank you' my friend, you were correct in the file not being copied from V9 to V10 it was just as you said - copy and paste between folders and it will work - It did mate, once again thank you

                    Top headers:
                    This has also been fixed, this is what I did:-
                    Opened the section called Pop Up Graphic Displays - opened 'Properties' viewed the 'Section' and we have text in a box called 'Topkeywords' we just amended the text to the correct wording, clicked apply and bobs-your-uncle it was fixed - the only trouble is I have to do this on every page (this will take ages) but at least it's a dramatic improvement, rather than an embarrasement

                    Lee - you are a star my friend
                    Tel: 0845 1080047 - Website:


                      Signature Section

                      I have noticed that some people have a viewable signature section underneath their comments - I have had a look at my profile but cannot work out how to add a signature

                      Please can somebody give me a very simple step-by-step guidance on how to do this
                      Tel: 0845 1080047 - Website:


                        Glad it's sorted Dave, my pleasure.


                          Click on 'control panel' then click on 'edit signature'.


                            Signature Test

                            Signature Test
                            Tel: 0845 1080047 - Website:


                              Your signature link is failing because you have omitted the' www' in the link.

