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Discount Query @ Cart

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    Discount Query @ Cart

    Trying to find the easiest solution to a discount issue I have.

    I want sell a product @ £9.75 for the first 10 added to cart, but thereafter for any extra product added I want to charge at £9.45

    I've tried based on quantity discounts, but it only applies the discount at the quantity trigger set i.e. 10, and only applies the discount again at 20 etc

    I could do at order level, but then I'd have to set all the values in the triggers table.

    Or am I'm making this sound too complex? And there's a easier solution?

    Just looking for one setup that fits all

    Could you not use the quantity based price breaks on the prices tab?

    click + and add another retail price at 9.45 and put 10 as the quantity in the min column.

    There's quite a good bit in the help file about it under Quantity-Based Pricing. The way the prices are displayed on the product is also better than using discounts.


      Oh yeah there's a thought will give a whirl

