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    Recently viewed products


    Ive been looking through all the issues with recently viewed products but I still cant get mine to work right.

    I tried ticking the different boxes in the marketing/recently viewed, but non seem to make it work correctly.

    If you goto the "above ground pumping station" section then go to any other page then this product shows at the bottom.

    but no others, its always just that product alone no matter where on the site i go.

    I have put the product count to 5 in the marketing options.

    Is this a bug/error im missing ?

    Advice please.
    Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


    nobody have any advice or something to try?
    Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


      Look at the Section that a faulty product is in. Look at what's set under Section Details / Layout / Recent Products / Save Recent Products.

      There are 3 choices available: Thumbnail Image, Product Image or Extended Info Image.

      You need to be using one that matches the type of image you have for that product. If the selected image type doesn't exist, then that product won't be added to the recent products list for display on subsequent pages.

      Compare this with the Section Details / Layout / Recent Products / Save Recent Products for a working product.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        There all set to product image.

        that in both the site options and within with section (which are all set to use parent)

        the only thing that can be viewed in the recent products is the product in the above ground pumping station, the ultima.

        really frustrating now
        Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


          There has to be some difference between the working product and one that's faulty.

          However only you will be able to compare them as it's not possible to infer anything from the live site.

          Note that Recentrly Viewed also works on Preview so there's no need to upload to test changes.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

