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Help with Link to SPP.

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    Help with Link to SPP.


    I'm trying to set up Single Product Pages and have followed instructions in the V10 Advanced User Guide. (P34) and I do get the SPP I am after. However I would like to add the 'add to cart button'/'quantity box' and any 'attributes'/'choices' etc to the sub-section page.

    The guide provides code for doing this but whenever I try it I get a list of errors (red box in design view) which include 'Layout has a faulty condition' and 'Product reference variable has been placed within the add to cart button with cart icon layout but it wont work there'

    I am just copying the code provided so I cannot see why this doesn't work unless it is the structure of my catalog.

    I currently have:

    >Online Catalogue
    Section A
    Sub-Section (Need the 3 products below listed with cart button)
    Product 1
    Product 2
    Product 3
    Section B
    Section C

    Is the structure of my sections/Sub-Sections causing the code not to work and If so is it possible to do this any other way? I dont have a URL to view as I am currently trialling actinic to see if it can do all the things I require before I spend £2K on it.

    Hoping someone can help

    Sorry, the layout of the tree structure didn't copy across too well so I am hoping this will work:

    Online Catalogue
    >>>Section A
    >>>>>>>>>Sub-Section (Need the 3 products below listed with cart button)
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Product 1
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Product 2
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Product 3
    >>>Section B
    >>>Section C



      Originally posted by cren View Post
      Sorry, the layout of the tree structure didn't copy across too well so I am hoping this will work:

      Online Catalogue
      >>>Section A
      >>>>>>>>>Sub-Section (Need the 3 products below listed with cart button)
      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Product 1
      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Product 2
      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Product 3
      >>>Section B
      >>>Section C

      There is no reason why it should not work with that structure, and it does work, it is in use on several sites I have worked on. Not used the V10 guide myself but if it is the same code as in the V9 it will be OK.


      SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
      SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
      Custom Packages


        Hi Malcolm,

        Thanks for your reply. I have retried this several times using the code provided and I always get the same error.

        I don't suppose you would be willing to post the code you use so I can try with that? (or point me in right the direction)

        I really need to get this feature working if I am going to switch to Actinic for all of my sites.



          The AUG gives the code and instructions to create the layout to put add to cart button on section layouts, do that bit first, there are no instructions for the choices, you have to use the logic from the product layout for those though and you will need to add it yourself.

          You might be best to use product + ext info page, much simpler for you to do.


            Hi leehack,

            I have followed the instructions in the AUG to the letter but I get the errors I mentioned earlier. I wanted to check that the info given in the guide is actually correct. (not left over from a previous version) I'd be happy to just get the add to cart button listed for now but following the AUG just doesnt work on my site using the above section structure.

            Has anybody used the instructions on the AUG with the latest version of Actinic and got it to work?


              I have a feeling that this may be related to testing this on a trial version of actinic as I have just tried uploading the trial site to a live web server and although I get the error messages during upload, the section page works as described in the AUG. (add to cart and quantity box all appear as expected)

              (The only problem is now I am getting messed up URL's for the sections with this layout applied)

              One of the errors points to the following code (Copied exactly from AUG):

              <a href="<actinic:block
              ><actinic:variable name="SectionPageName" /></actinic:block>

              (In fact 99% of errors point to similar blocks of code (all of which were copied from the AUG))

              Does this look normal to those of you used to this code?

              I might put this to support tomorrow as I cannot risk spending 2K if I cannot get this option to work.

              Would the trial version be likely to stop this feature working?

