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    Sub Pages


    i would like to add sub pages within the brochure pages and have so far not found a way to do this,

    does anyone have any ideas of how i can do this please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Many Thanks in advance

    James Thompson

    Operations Manager | Chas Newens Marine Co Ltd|
    The Boathouse | Embankment | Putney | London | SW15 1LB |
    T: 0208 788 4587 | F: 0208 780 2339 | E:

    Take a look and tell us what you think!

    You can't do this in the way that you are trying to. You could however use product sections instead with different layouts or brochure pages with manual navigation coding to do it though.


      Creating a brochure page with a list of links through to other brochure pages is one way to have an appearance of sub pages, it depends how you want the pages to appear as "sub pages" on the website, i.e directly on the page? or were you thinking of a sub menu instead?


        Originally posted by peblaco View Post
        Creating a brochure page with a list of links through to other brochure pages is one way to have an appearance of sub pages, it depends how you want the pages to appear as "sub pages" on the website, i.e directly on the page? or were you thinking of a sub menu instead?
        i have managed to do this using coded pictures to guide people through to the pages, i have hidden them in the nav bar at the side but i currently have a bunch of blank places in the lists

        take a look if you wish

        i would now like to hide these blank pages

        any further ideas
        James Thompson

        Operations Manager | Chas Newens Marine Co Ltd|
        The Boathouse | Embankment | Putney | London | SW15 1LB |
        T: 0208 788 4587 | F: 0208 780 2339 | E:

        Take a look and tell us what you think!




            Thats done it fantastic thank you very much
            James Thompson

            Operations Manager | Chas Newens Marine Co Ltd|
            The Boathouse | Embankment | Putney | London | SW15 1LB |
            T: 0208 788 4587 | F: 0208 780 2339 | E:

            Take a look and tell us what you think!


              Hiding brochure pages on menu not working for me!

              I have followed the instructions from the thread that was mentioned as I want to hide pages from my menu bar - however all I get is a blank page and the page still remains in the menu bar - what I am doing wrong?
              Hope someone can help!


                Yes my site is

                The page I am trying to hide is "Pink colour information"

                I want this page accessed by clicking on the link in "The meaning of colours" but now shown on the menu as it is doing at the moment (otherwise I will have 20 colour pages showing in the menu!!)

                I have followed the instructions and the website remains the same! I am setting the choice to false for the "pink colour information" page.

                Thank you for taking a look at this


                  I have looked to see if I can make sense of this!!

                  These are the instructions I followed for where to put the variable

                  Highlight all the code in the layout and click the 'Insert Block' button *

                  13. You should now be in the Condition Editor. Change the condition to:

                  <actinic:variable name="ShowOrHideBrochureLink" /> == true

                  You can just copy and paste the code straight into the editor.

                  14. Click 'OK' and then click 'Apply' to confirm your changes.

                  I had taken the block out so have followed the instructions again but still the same result - am I being stupid and not putting in the right place?!
                  Thanks again
                  (I have uploaded my website again)


                    I am basically highlighting everything on the layout page:
                    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


                    <head><meta name="google-site-verification" content="05WGVfSLEvGRHHBzFtsVYrVGnk-ObwmFt1m-xKh72hg" />
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                    <link href="actinic.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

                    <style type="text/css" >
                    .boxhead h2 {
                    color: <actinic:variable name="TextColor" />;

                    <actinic:variable name="JavaScriptFunctions" />


                    <body onload="<actinic:variable name="OnLoadScript" value="PreloadImages" />">

                    <div id="prime-container">

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                    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PageType%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22Brochure%22">
                    <actinic:variable name="CompanyLogoImage" />

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                    <a href="<actinic:variable name="OrderLinkText" />" class="link_cart"><Actinic:Variable Name="CheckOutText"/></a>
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                    <a href="<actinic:variable name="OrderLinkText" />" class="link_cart" <actinic:variable name="GoogleAnalyticsMarkup" value="Google Analytics Checkout Link" />><actinic:variable name="CheckOutText" /></a>
                    <td><div class="page_header_menu_cart_items"><p class="text_menu_cart_items"><actinic:variable name="ShoppingCartSummary" value="Shopping Cart Summary In A Line" /></p></div></td>
                    <td><img src="theme_tab1_right.gif" width="4" height="23" alt=" " /></td>
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                    <div id="prime-left-bar">
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                    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsNotPreviewMode%22%20%2f%3e" >
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                    <br clear="all" />

                    <actinic:variable name="GoogleAnalyticsMarkup" value="Google Analytics Tracking Code" />

                    Then I right click and "add block"

                    Is this what I am doing wrong


                      You should not have the block around the whole layout, if added remove the "block" and "/block" code from top and bottom. Put it around the individual piece of code.


                        OMG - you are simply amazing - my hero - cannot thank you enough - woo hooo - I am the happiest person around now

