Since upgrading to 10.0.3 my mole end site now times out after around 1 minute, my user menu is disabled and my user called 'Administrator' is no longer recognised through the login dialog (works in batch though), my shop administrator can log in but I can't access the users dialog. I've set the idle timeout to 29999 directly in the database but still get timeouts.
Has anyone else seen anything like this?
I've never had these problems before, the changes I've made are to upgrade to 10.0.3 and import a design snapshot.
I think that it's a timeout rather than a crash because I have no dmp files.
Has anyone else seen anything like this?
I've never had these problems before, the changes I've made are to upgrade to 10.0.3 and import a design snapshot.
I think that it's a timeout rather than a crash because I have no dmp files.