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BUGLET?: Copying of fragment causes duplicate product reference message

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    BUGLET?: Copying of fragment causes duplicate product reference message

    I have a fragment that is used the same in many different places, so i have been copying it, this has worked fine for a while, however when i now try and do the same, i get a duplicate product reference message and have to select a new product reference to allow me to copy it. It didn't do this for the first 30 copies or so. Are fragments usually assigned a product reference in the background without us knowing or is actinic confusing products with fragments?

    Anyone else has anything similar?

    Fragments do have references in the same way as products - you can see them in a catalog export.

    You could try setting auto-number of prod refs just while you do it and see if it then works.

    I remember not being able to do this long ago but then in a later version it was possible. I l always thought that it shouldn't be possible unless you have auto-numbering on. Perhaps it is now back to being correct?


      Thanks Duncan i will try putting the auto numbering on and see what happens, still doesn't explain why it has worked ok when i've been copying before, i've just looked and i've copied various fragments around 90 times actually, each time without a sniff of an error message. Error message has just appeared despite me doing nothing different.


        It would be interesting to export the catalog to see if the fragment references are the same.


          I got caught by this a couple of months ago:

          Somehow Actinic got a genuine product reference for a fragment and then used that as the base for the next auto gen fragment reference. Eventually, it ended up auto generating a fragment reference that was already used in a product and produced the duplicate product reference error.

          I had to go into the database and set all the fragment references back to something that wouldn't clash with the product refrences I use.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Fragments have been giving me grief with v10.3 since the upgrade i have now have fragments that can no longer be edited, the system does nothing when you click apply. If you then click cancel it allows you to do other things but wont save the changes.

            This does not happen on all fragments and i have found that deleting it and recreating it works.


              Looks like I may have encountered the same underlying issue & I'm also on V10.0.3

              It appears to manifest when you use numerical product references only. Actinic seems to pick the next highest available number when the next fragment is created, even though you have un-ticked "AutoGenerate Product Reference".

              Played around with this today. I'm using Microsoft RMS ePos & use its internal product ID instead of the LookupCode as product reference. Highest number on my last fragment was 81. Imported bunch of products from RMS with highest value being 22283. When the next fragment was created, it got 22284 as product reference. Checked & saw that "Auto GenerateProduct Reference" was unticked.

              Will raise it with support later today.



                It appears to manifest when you use numerical product references only.
                I'm pretty sure when I had this problem it was also happening with non-numerical references. All my product references have a supplier prefix to identify the supplier. i.e. S123456

                Actinic was incrementing the fragment ID to S123457 which already exists and throwing a wobbly.


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


