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product layout

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    product layout

    I have to create a number of custom product layouts – what is the correct method – at the moment I have added css styles to the codes and that kind of works except to places the new product layout outside the ‘inner’ layout at the top of the page – what am I doing wrong?

    Are tables the way to go?


    The easiet way is to go to the product sub group in the design library, right click on an existing layout and choose create new layout, name it and you then have a duplicate. You can then manipulate that new layout to suit and it will be available in the product layout selector on your products.

    No, tables are not the way to do it, copy a CSS layout to get the ball rolling, stay away from tables.



      thanks - but where do you paste the css - at the top of the template? thanks


        Css goes in the stylesheet along with the rest of it, available from the design tab.


          Many thanks - got it.

          Do you have any rules as to where you place your bespoke CSS in the style sheet, top, bottom or any other tips on this?

          What is good practice – do you ever put css in the template for minor local tweaks?

          You have been a great help - thanks


            I expect there are different views on this. Everyone will agree that you keep all CSS to the stylesheet(s) and don't use inline styling unless absolutely necessary but whether you add your CSS to the Actinic stylesheet or use your own stylesheet is really up to you. If you do include your own styles in the Actinic stylesheet then unless you are cleaning up the Actinic CSS then I think it's best to place you own styles at the bottom for inheritance.

            I personally prefer to rip the guts out of Actinics stylesheet and then use that but others prefer to include their own either in addition to, or as a replacement to the Actinic stylesheet.

            Many add-ins will also use an additional stylesheet for ease of deployment.


              I'd always add css to the stylesheet and i'd always add it to the bottom, so it is last to be loaded.


                This is very useful thanks; I feel I am getting to grips with Actinic.

                I would like to attach my own Style Sheet in addition to the Actinic Style Sheet - could you tell me where and how I do that?

                And I would also like to strip everything out of the Actinic Style Sheet – it’s very confusing, just leave the basics + Silver but I don’t feel confident enough to do that – is there such a thing available?

                Many thanks for your help.



                  <link href="1External.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

                  into the head area of your overall layout, AFTER the actinic stylesheet is referenced and have a file called 1External.css in your site folder which contains your CSS.

                  If you're new to actinic and more importantly CSS (which i'm presuming you must be if no idea how to reference a stylesheet), i'd strongly advise you to leave the actinic CSS alone. You will be in grave danger of breaking something you don't realise.

