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Payment Choice - radio buttons

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    Payment Choice - radio buttons

    Hi I am trying to implement the use of radio buttons to choose the payment method, instead of using the dropdown.
    I am using the method detailed here in the knowledge base;

    It all works ok... but no method is selected by default.
    I have two choices and both radio buttons are empty.
    Does anyone know how I can make one option (the first) be selected by default when the page is loaded?

    Arka Tribal Jewellery

    Hello Mark,

    I dont know your set up so I dont know if this will work but this was taken from http:/ /

    <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="color" VALUE="green" >Green<BR>
    <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="color" VALUE="red" >Red<BR>
    <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="color" VALUE="brown" >Brown

    Looks like if you put "CHECKED" in the radio button code it will automatically set one


      thanks for the reply Keith,

      The set up I'm using is as per the knowledge base article I referenced above.. apart from those changes its standard v10.0.3

      I do seem to have ''checked'' in the code, but it seems to repeat after the <br /> .. so I'm not sure how its supposed to work, because I imagine this would 'check' all the options.. but in fact it checks none.
      5. In the fourth line replace <option selected="selected" value="%s">%s with

      <input type="radio" name="PAYMENTMETHOD" value="%s" checked="checked">%s<br />
      Arka Tribal Jewellery


        Sorry Mark I wouldnt be able to comment on the KB tutorial, I just googled it and had a look out of curiosity! The only thing I can think of is to go into your design tabs and manually find the radio buttons and see if you can add the "checked" option there? But I really dont know if thats a good idea so please take a snapshot before hand! maybe someone else can answer this?



          This thread may be useful:
          Post #11 may be the one that helps most.
          It's based on single-choice components and an optional checkbox.
          Kind Regards
          Sean Williams

          Calamander Ltd


            thanks for the pointer to that Sean, but I'm not sure it helps me much.
            The knowledge base article makes the change from drop down to radio buttons within Design:Text phase -1 ID 1951-1954...
            So its not a usual code hack as far as I can see.
            Arka Tribal Jewellery


              Is that knowledge base article out of date?
              Its from 2009..
              Is there another way to get radio buttons for the payment method choice?


                Which one you using Clive, I did this very recently and it worked fine?


                  I just tried it out and it works (much better option than a drop down!) but as feemish says no option is selected by default... thats not good web practice is it.
                  Does yours have a default selection?


                    I'd always have a default one selected yes, from memory I added checked="checked".


                      Originally posted by Clive.Aspen View Post
                      but as feemish says no option is selected by default... thats not good web practice is it.
                      Isn't it? Could anyone enlarge on this - we have lots of components with no default selection, because the components are optional!
                      Kind Regards
                      Sean Williams

                      Calamander Ltd


                        Tickboxes are optional (square checkboxes), radio buttons (round checkboxes) are select one from the options with a default always selected.


                          Originally posted by leehack View Post
                          I'd always have a default one selected yes, from memory I added checked="checked".
                          Did you use the knowledge base article or use another method;
                          I just tried it and no radio button is selected by default..


                            Originally posted by Clive.Aspen View Post
                            Did you use the knowledge base article or use another method;

                            I just tried it and no radio button is selected by default..
                            I have the first one selected on the site i have installed it on, can't provide a link as its a test domain on a current build, happy to send you a link offline though to take a look. I don't recall following that specific article, but i might have, i really can't say. If your snapshot is small, you could email it and i can take a look for you and compare it with what i have if you like.

                            Just wondering if the cookie records your payment method, so it appears selected (2nd time round), when in fact it's a cookie doing that.


                              Originally posted by leehack View Post
                              If your snapshot is small, you could email it and i can take a look for you and compare it with what i have if you like.
                              I've got business plus... I was just trying this out on a test site.. I just used Site1 Silver theme and changed the Design:Text according to the knowledgebase article referenced earlier to check it out..
                              It changes the payment method from a dropdown choice to radio buttons but doesnt set a default payment option...
                              So you must have used a different method... can you remember which?

