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Missing MS Access ODBC Driver

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    Missing MS Access ODBC Driver

    I have a multi-user client that I have recently upgraded from v9 to v10.0.2 that has a problem compacting the database. Actinic (server) is running on SBS2008.

    On trying to compact it gets the error that says:
    ...Driver's ConfigDSN, ConfigDriver, or ConfigTranslator failed.
    Please use Explorer to investigate the problem"

    I know this has cropped up before and I have investigated further and found that the ODBC driver 'Microsoft Access Driver (*mdb)' is not installed. I assume that this should have been installed as part of the Actinic v10 installation and then a data source using that driver configured. This obviously didn't happen.

    I need to find a way to install the ODBC driver and configure it without having to try re-installing Actinic which would cause a lot of disruption to the company and their running store.

    I can copy the configuration from another machine so I should be able to configure a data source if the driver is installed but how do I obtain the driver, what is it called and how do I install it?

    This is the blurb from Microsoft:

    Microsoft Access Driver
    With MDAC version 2.6 and later, the ODBC Desktop Database Drivers are no longer supplied. If the Microsoft Access Driver is installed on a computer and you install MDAC 2.6, the driver is not removed. However, if you want to install this driver on a computer that has never had it, you need to download a redistributable version of Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 3.

    Should this have been installed by Actinic? Is this the route I should be following to install the driver?

    Can anyone shed some light on this?

    I get the exact same message, but its not an installation problem as it works fine sometimes, this in an intermittent W7 issue I suffer. Your first message I get very commonly. On the other I seem to recall opening up the ODBC settings and just repairing it there and then.


      In this case the driver isn't installed. Looks like I may have to install Jet 4.0 to get the driver. Another option would be to install MS Access I suppose.


        Hi Duncan, Hi Lee
        I'm having the same issue on a Windows XP machine, and V10.03 which has Access 2007 installed. Strange thing is V9 compacts fine and has no missing drivers. I'm assuming there was some sort of glitch during setup (the office gremlin again).
        Steve Griggs.

        "People in business often miss opportunities, mainly because they usually arrive dressed in overalls and looking like work."

