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Use Associated Product Reference

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    Use Associated Product Reference


    ive set up a product with some options for sizes. ive managed to get them to read the price from the associated product however is it possible to have it bring down the associated products reference over the original products reference.

    so far when it downloads it created 2 separate order lines on the database one for the first reference and another for the associated product reference. I only want it bringing in the associated product reference.


    AFAIK Actinic will always bring both product references into the database.

    You can set Actinic so that only the Associated Product is shown on the invoice. Is that what you're after or are you doing something with the database?


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      ive managed to get it to only display the one reference fine however we then need to import orders from actinic and don't want it bringing down two products.


        The only way I know of doing this is to use 'dummy' product references for the original (non existant) product and real ones for the associated products.

        In my case I start all the non-existant product references with an X. This way you can program your import routine to ignore any products starting with an X.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          good idea, will suggest this one also phoned actinic perhaps they should add this to the next version


            I agree. It could be certainly be cleaner. Some sort of routine to remove the original product when 'no order line for main product' is ticked would do it.

            This is definitely one of the things that bugs me with associated products and I use them quite a lot.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Hi Simon,

              What are you importing the orders into?

              Mole End's One Stop Order Processing can remove these extra orderlines and create export files for other software.

              It obviously does much, much more than just this too

              Details and a 30 day, fully functional trial, are available here


                Hi Tracey,

                We currently use khaos however as we are launching into a new sector we are going to be doing processing through actinic and not khaos using the one stop order processing plugin so that's great, problem solved! will get onto my manager about buying this.



                  This has bugged me for ages, but Actinic support helped me achieve a solution:

                  Purely as an example, I have two products: code "A" and code "B". Both are hidden. I've created a new product called "Test" and added a component, an attribute called "Type" and two choices: "A" and "B". I went into the component, then "Permutations" and associated the attributes with my two hidden products. Now here's the key bit:

                  In component/General tab I ticked "Component As a Separate Order Line"
                  In product "Test" go to the General tab, and halfway down select "Sum of Component Prices" in the Pricing Model dropdown, then tick the "No Order Line for Main Product" box.
                  Only your selected choice lines (in this case "A" or "B") will show in the cart (ie. the "Test" product doesn't appear above them). Although they show in the Actinic orders tab, I can confirm that only "A" or "B" are exported to Sage if, like me, you also use SageLink.

                  I'm running version 10.0.4. Hope this helps someone else.


                    This is how most people would have it set up in Actinic, Justin, however the OP was stating that this doesn't solve the problem of Actinic creating 2 orderlines in the database itself.

