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Move Related Products to right hand column

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    Move Related Products to right hand column

    I want to have related products visible in my product pages. On my 'outer layout' (my own design), I've got a right hand column and have put the Actinic variable <Actinic:Variable Name="ProductRelatedProductsList"/> in this column.

    When viewing the page online ( the 'related products' are showing up beneath the product itself - and when viewing page source, it appears the variable is not showing up in my right hand column at all. I've had a look at the product layout and the related product variable was indeed in there, beneath the product info.. So I removed it, but still nothing showing up in the right hand column (and when viewing page source, the variable still wasn't visible in there).

    I've put the related products variable back in the product layout area for the time being...

    Can anyone help me with this please???