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Merge multiple website catalogues into one?

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    Merge multiple website catalogues into one?

    I am a brand new to using Actinic Business Plus (version 10.0.4). I attended a fantastic training course which ran yesterday at Atinics West Byfleet office and forgot to ask this question.

    We have about 10 web sites and visually they all look the same with same template etc. Each website has relevant products for sale.

    But, there is no master catalgue.

    How can I merge these catalgues to create one?

    I was thinking of exporting all the data and opening it in excel and the copying and pasting. But I am worried that this will take a long time and may also create errors or duplicates.

    Any advice, tips suggestions please


    You'd reverse your thinking, create the master site and then snapshot that site to create the satellite sites, deleting from the satellite sites the products you do not want in those sites. Using that method you only set up each product once.


      Thank you for your quick reply.

      I am a little confused but as I only have the demo version of Actinic on my laptop I will need to upgrade to a full version before I can do anything. Hopefully it will become clearer soon.

      Once I have acquired a new user licence I then hope to install 'Siteclone' from Codepath to manage the multiple site locations.

