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Simple facebook link(for some)

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    Simple facebook link(for some)

    Hi everyone this is my first post and unfortunately its a problem not a answer.

    I searched facebook on here i didn't see the answer i needed.
    The code i got is in the correct place i want it and the picture is fine just the link is not working, could someone just read it quick and tell me where im going wrong?

    <style type="text/css">
    .addthis_toolbox a, .addthis_toolbox img { width: 120px;}
    .addthis_toolbox {margin-top:80px;}
    .addthis_toolbox a:hover img { opacity: 1; filter : alpha(opacity=100); }
    .addthis_toolbox a img { opacity: 100; filter : alpha(opacity=100);}

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    <div class="addthis_toolbox">
    <a class="addthis_button_facebook" addthis:url="#" addthis:title="#UDAL Supplies#" Title="Share on Facebook" ><img src="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\UDAL\facebook link.jpg"/></a>

    Any help would be much appreciated

    <img src="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\UDAL\facebook link.jpg"/></a>
    People on the web do not have access to your C: Drive, so your code should not point to images there. Put the image file in your site folder and just add the filename.

    Nor should you have spaces in the name of the image.


      Once its uploaded to the server will that matter? as i have 400 pictures all doing the same thing all the pictures seem to display fine on the website?

      The image is working fine its just not linking to the facebook for some reason, would changing the image help this?


        So we're talking about code that is not live and thus it is not known whether it works or not? I'm confused. Put it online, if it doesn't work, provide us with a link to an example page where it is not working. If you have 400 images with a spaces in them, i suggest you get on with renaming them.


          oh sorry yea the site works fine live
          its purely just not linking with the facebook link on bottom right.


            Why not use the standard Facebook Like button code from Facebook for the Sharing/Liking and then separately have a link to your Facebook page itself. That's what I do for clients.

