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embedding a powerpoint presentation?

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    embedding a powerpoint presentation?


    Is there any way of embedding a powerpoint presentation to my website. i have created the presentation with hyperlinks and every attempt i try to convert it to a flash either fails or ruins the slide show with advertisement.

    One thing i haven't tried is uploading it onto youtube and linking it which is what im going to try now but i was just wondering if there was a direct solution?

    I've never heard of embedding PP presentations before, as you mention, flash would be the usual technology to use, both from a 'safe' and 'file size' point of view. Putting Microsoft documents live is problematic at best, probably more so with Excel and Word, but still it's generally not the done thing.

    So i think filming or creating in flash are probably your best options.


      Converting it would be the solution and embedding that. As Lee says uploading any Office file is frowned upon as they can make easy targets for a virus.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Thanks for the speedy and helpful reply's. is there any software that you know, that will convert it for free because i have tried 6 now and all have failed .

        if i record it will the hyperlinks still work?


          Getting it up on to YouTube is the best way to go I think. There are a number of utilities out there that will convert a PPT to a movie file that should be ok to upload to Google.

          Take a look at this:


            I'm not aware of any conversion software and no the links would not work if on a video. Why not send the presentation to a flash creator and ask them to reproduce?


              Actually you can save PPT as html and maintain hyperlinks (at least in Office 2007 onwards).
              You can then put it in an iframe and place that in a fragment. You'll have to upload the produced html pages manually though.


                Originally posted by drounding View Post
                I tried this program and it wont find the powerpoint presentation when i try to add the file!

                i'm not sure what i'm going to do now. i'm thinking i'm going to have to by some software as they all say they give you trial periods but not one actually work lol.


                  Did you read my last post? - Powerpoint will save as html - you can then upload the created files and use an iframe in Actinic to show the result. Links will also work.


                    thanks drounding, i don't think im confident/good enough to do that

