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Checkout validation

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    Checkout validation

    where can i see the validation scripts for the checkout in actinic 10 for all the pages. i just wana add one or two validations of my own.

    i want to know what function the "next" button calls. as the one i found in the actinicextras.js doesn't have some validations that the site is doing.

    Please help.

    #2 helped by and are the main checkout Perl scripts.

    Note that each file contains about 10,000 lines of code and changing them will be challenging.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      What i would like to do is just add a JavaScript EU VAT Number Validation on one of the checkout pages.

      i don't want the guy to be able to click next if he enters an invalid VAT number.

      i've got the code working on a button but i want to incorparate this into the "next" button. but can't figure out how to do this.

      Is there a different script or way i can achieve this?


        Add code to function CheckForm(elemBtn) in actinicextras.js this is called when the Next button is pressed and returns true / false, depending on whether the form is good or not.

        If no field containing the VAT number exists let the usual code continue. This deals with other checkout pages.

        If VAT field exists and it's valid let the usual code continue.

        If VAT field exists and it's invalid alert the user and return false.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Thank you very much. After playing around with my IF statement with you help above i got it to do what i wanted it to do. It works Great thx.

