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Section / Sub section text at side of image

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    Section / Sub section text at side of image

    I'm sure this mentioned somewhere else but I'm probably using the wrong terms, so sorry if this is a repeat question.

    I want my section / sub section headers to be at the bottom of the images used, on some this is ok on others not. I have one page where they are all under the image, the other where some are on the right hand side of the image. I've looked at the layout coding but I can't see what I'm missing. Anybody able to point me in the right direction?

    You will have varying numbers of sections per row or various different section image sizes I expect, how you expect us to offer any real help without seeing it, is somewhat beyond me though. You have it in front of you and can't fix it, how are we expected to blind?

    Create a new section link layout that lays things as you want them and use that across the site?


      Both column counts are 3 and all image are the same size. I use 150 x 150 for the thumbnail and 300 x 300 for the main image and they are all correct.

      As to "blind", it's a bit difficult to show you when I'm building it at the moment on my PC. Perhaps a line saying "hey, sorry it's a bit hard to help without seeing the site, any chance you could post a screen shot of (insert required screenshot here), as that would be a help".

      ...or you could border on being rude & sarcastic


        Perhaps you could spend your time providing screenshots or better still writing more helpful posts in the first place, instead of trying to teach me how you want me to reply in my own free time.

        If your images and column counts are the same, it can only be text length that I can guess at being the difference.


          I'm sorry, I thought I'd stated the original post with an apology? I did say that I thought that this question is likely to of been asked before. I also thought that it was likely to be one of those stupid newbie questions and someone would simply say "you just need to do (x)" and that would fix it.

          Having a basic understanding of the software I was trying to not waste peoples time over something I thought, obviously wrongly, that was simple.

          In answer to your question about the text, there is no pattern. I have one sub section that has "Names" that are a minimum of 14 characters long and they are all under the image. Other sub sections have "Names" that appear on the right, that are 6 characters long or 12 characters long.


            It sounds to me like it's probably a coding error. Generally it's much easier to take a look at the code and see what's going on rather than trying to guess.

            The best thing would be to put the site up on a test domain or subdirectory so we can see what's happening.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Just for the record I deleted the "New Products" section that appears on the right hand side and changed the layout to 4 & 4. Text is sitting ok now.


                Slight update to this if anybody can help.

                I'm now using 4 for the Column Count For First Row & Column Count For Section Lists. This has fixed my text wrap issue, but only if I have 4 section/subsection/product images. If I only use 2 or 3, section/subsection/product images, the text wrap issue comes back.

                I thought I'd found a sneaky way of getting around it, by using a blank graphic. Trouble is you then see the text used for the name. If you hide it, it removes the invisable graphic, and reverting back to the original problem.

                I've attached a couple of screenshots to show what I mean.
                Attached Files


                  This doesn't sound normal and if it was standard behaviour I'd expect to have seen it crop up more often.

                  As I said before. It sounds like it could be a coding issue but the only way to work out if it is and what the problem is would be to look at the code and see.

                  The easiest and quickest way would to put the page up on a temporary domain or test directory so we can take a look.


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    This will be because the section image is set to float left and thus as first pointed out variables such as image size, column count and text size will all play a part in variable displays. You need to create a new section link layout that does things as you want it to and more importantly does that no matter what the variables using it are. Set the width of said layout would be a good idea for starters, that will be the first rung on the consistency ladder.

