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Showing RTS on Selected Products

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    Showing RTS on Selected Products

    I have RTS set up on my store. I also have a vairable set up called
    ShowStockLevel and you select ture or false.

    In the product page I have surrounded <actinic:variable name="RealTimeStockDisplay" /> with block if tags and the block if is: <actinic:variable name="Showstocklevel" /> == true

    Now this means that only some products will display stock level and it works perfect within Actinic but when I publish it, the stock level dosent display.

    If you have a look here
    www. cakesandfavours .com/shop/Aqua_Diamante_Sprinkles.html and then try add 10 quantity to the basket, the stock level will then display and will stay displayed. How to I get the stock levels to show without the customer having to add more quantitiy than is in stock into the basket.



    Does your new variable have 'use parent' enabled and selected below, so that all sections/products inherit that setting. You should be setting the default setting on the variable (the most common one), the use parent facility will cascade that down, you then reverse it where you want the opposite.

    PS - well explained and detailed, best explanation i've read for a while.


      Yes the ShowStockLevel varible has Allow <Use Parent> as an option ticked

      Initial Value is set to Use Parent()
      Top Level Value is set to False

      Place of setting: I have both secton and product ticked


        Were those settings as it was originally setup or have you changed them retrospectively? If the latter, you will need to undo placement (product and section), apply the change and come out and then go back in and reset them back up. Beware this deletes anything you have set on that variable in the various locations.

        You could also locate your variable on the products/sections in question and see what the setting at the level where it is not working is set to.


          I have to admit I dont quite follow your instructions, I still trying to get my head around Actinic, I probably have altered the original variable so I set up a new variable (just called it ShowStock) and applied it to a new block if for the RealTimeStockDisplay and published but the same thing happens.



            I also should add that if I change the option for how RTS is displayed, (by default its 'Display Stock Quantities') to 'Display In Stock Message', it displays the In Stock Message as soon as you click on the product, so this aspect works correctly I just need it to show numbers not the message:

            Heres an example:
            http://www. cakesandfavours. com/shop/Aqua_Diamante_Sprinkles.html



              Take RTS out of the equation, just put your name into the layout with a blockif around it and set it accordingly. Make sure you can set it to show that text and hide it where you want using your variable. You know you have that part working fine then and it is either the RTS or where you are putting the blockif. Screenshots and pasting the code into here might help, perhaps the RTS javascript is overriding whatever you do with the blocks.

              The selector where you choose your RTS method could possibly be aaltered to not just be a question at site level, if you locate that, select to show on sections and products, you might get the system switch down at the level you then want it.

              If you untick the tickbox on the stock tab of the product, does that not do what you want it to and a darn sight easier?


                The block if works when I use the word test.

                "If you untick the tickbox on the stock tab of the product, does that not do what you want it to and a darn sight easier? "

                I never thought of this!!! - Damm, on closer testing, its linked to my Epos Link so thats a no go.

                Its obviously something to do with Display Stock Quantities as opposed to RTS. Think I might pass this one onto Actinic

                Thanks Leehack Ill update this post if I get any further.


                  Originally posted by ton View Post
                  The block if works when I use the word test.

                  "If you untick the tickbox on the stock tab of the product, does that not do what you want it to and a darn sight easier? "

                  I never thought of this!!! - Damm, on closer testing, its linked to my Epos Link so thats a no go.

                  Its obviously something to do with Display Stock Quantities as opposed to RTS. Think I might pass this one onto Actinic

                  Thanks Leehack Ill update this post if I get any further.
                  The RTS works differently between the preview on your PC and the hosted store, in preview actinic looks up the stock figure from the local database, when used on line it calls Perl scripts on the host to get the stock. This is done via javascript and I suspect you have disabled the code needed to run RTS on line.

                  EDIT: the problem is not the code on the page it does indeed have the scripts and necessary code however the Perl script on your host is not returning any stock information. This may well be a problem with the scripts so do a full refresh rather than a publish to web, in the past I have seen this cure the problem.


                  SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
                  SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
                  Custom Packages


                    Hi Malbro,

                    I did a site refresh and I also made sure that it included the newely created varaible as well but no luck.



                      Originally posted by ton View Post
                      Hi Malbro,

                      I did a site refresh and I also made sure that it included the newely created varaible as well but no luck.

                      RTS is not your only problem, from the home page none of the cgi links is working either, in fact they call a different script number to the page you are identifying here and give an error 500.


                      Sorted this I was not landing on the home page after getting the custom 404 page but the dummy you are displaying at domain root level.

                      EDIT2: You also have a problem in that you can add to cart but the mini display shows nothing in the cart where as the cart display shows the contents.


                      SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
                      SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
                      Custom Packages


                        Originally posted by ton View Post
                        Hi Malbro,

                        I did a site refresh and I also made sure that it included the newely created varaible as well but no luck.

                        Your problem is that you are using www.... domain name but when you add 10 to the cart you try to add more than the real stock level this generates an error and the page is displayed not from www.cakes... but from cakes..... At this point the stock is displayed correctly. This is why the cart is not working correctly as well.

                        If you access your site from the stock displays correctly and it is possible to find the file through this URL.

                        This is a known problem with Actinic in that the site has to be consistent in its use of the domain name. see the value in BASEREF VALUE.


                        SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
                        SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
                        Custom Packages


                          Damm thats well spotted, I had no www in the settings, don't know why (think I might have taken someone else's settings and just changed my website name) and as it worked I never realised the www was missing.

                          Ill fix this tomorrow morning.

                          Thanks to everyone.



                            Originally posted by ton View Post
                            Damm thats well spotted, I had no www in the settings, don't know why (think I might have taken someone else's settings and just changed my website name) and as it worked I never realised the www was missing.

                            Ill fix this tomorrow morning.

                            Thanks to everyone.

                            This is the number one failure mode that I see for the real time stock control, but it also affects a lot of other script calls. If BASEREF is not set to the same URL that you are using to access the scripts then the script calls will fail.

                   is not the same as from the scripts point of view.


                            SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
                            SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
                            Custom Packages


                              I reaslised that when everything was fixed.

                              I had noticed that when I placedproducts in the basket that after the cart page I was been directed back to the first product that I placed in the basket. It was on my to be fixed list once I fixed the RTS first. But of course all working now.


