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creating duplicates

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    creating duplicates

    I want to create a small new section populated by duplicates, and assumed I could do it by copying. I want the product numbers to be the same, for obvious reasons, and thought I could just type in 1! and that would make them duplicates. However, it won't let me type the ! (!) I would rather avoid the large task of editing a .csv file and then re-importing the whole darn thing. But I suppose there's no alternative...?

    You can select each product and then paste as duplicate then rather copy. The Product Refs will automatically become duplicates.


      Thanks, David.

      One curiosity is that that displays the 1! as part of the product reference, which didn't happen when I previously created duplicates in a spreadsheet. Not desperately important and, being philosophical, I suppose I could regard it as useful in that it will tell me which section people were rummaging in. If I cared. Seems a bit clunky, though, and odd that the two ways of creating duplicates produce different results.


        Duplicates are referenced with a duplicate number and then ! before the master product reference. The first duplicate will be 1!xxx, the send 2!xxx etc.


          Originally posted by john harding View Post
          ...odd that the two ways of creating duplicates produce different results.
          Copying a product requires another unique product reference and as such becomes another master product in it's own right.

