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How to add links to footer

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    How to add links to footer

    I would like put the links in the footer (not the bottom of the page) – what do I go about this?

    Answer from Development (not found in forum so I'm adding):

    In a default site
    - go to the design tab
    - navigate to the bottom in the page preview
    - you can see the footer
    - Click on some thing like "Click here to email us"
    - it will take you to line 129 in the code where you can see the following
    <a href="<actinic:variable name="SendMailPageLink" />">Click here to email us</a>
    You can add another href tag like that,
    for ex:
    <a href="">Take me to Google</a>

    I moved my contact us and sitemap links to the footer; I find it easier to look things up in the Design Menu > Library list rather than using the Design tab and I've become familiar with 'outer layout for silver theme' being the go-to page for this sort of thing as far as my site is concerned.

    I have probably done everything wrong and made my site unmaintainable in the future of course, because I tend to do a lot of guessing and fiddling. Witness the Twitter Follow button on the nav bar; I just can't make the blasted thing line up vertically or move to the right a little bit but it's not for want of trying.

    Justin Hill (Half-to-three-quarters-baked Mac expert, laptop evangelist and vintage Hammond enthusiast)


      You could try padding or margin such as: <li class="twitter" style="margin-top:5px;">


        Ah well you see you're a professional and I'm an amateur.

        That was the kind of concept I had been groping for. The class=twitter was me; I had been experimenting with putting something into the css to control this but nothing worked and almost everything I did in the stylesheet tended to knock everything else awry so I gave up. I'd forgotten the class=twitter was still there.

        As it happens I tried your code just now; it made no difference to the position of the button either so I've taken it back out, including the class=twitter.

        Thanks for your suggestions, they're gratefully received although I do realise this is not a forum for teaching people html.

        Justin Hill (Half-to-three-quarters-baked Mac expert, laptop evangelist and vintage Hammond enthusiast)


          Maybe it would be better if I just showed you the existing code in context:

          <div id="silver-nav-bar-left">
          				<li><actinic:variable name="NavigationIcon" value="Home Basic Link" /></li>
          				<li><actinic:variable name="NavigationIcon" value="Enter Shop Basic Link" /></li>
          				<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PageType%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20%22Section%22" >
          				<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22SectionLevel%22%20%2f%3e%20%3e%200" >
          				<li><actinic:variable name="NavigationIcon" value="Search Basic Link" /></li>
          				<li><actinic:variable name="NavigationIcon" value="Contact Us Basic Link" /></li>
          				<li <a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @ckashop</a>
          				<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script></li>
          This is as supplied by Twitter; I've just added the <li></li>. It doesn't provide much scope for experimentation. (I have tried putting style="margin-top:5px;" just after the class="twitter-follow-button".)

          Justin Hill (Half-to-three-quarters-baked Mac expert, laptop evangelist and vintage Hammond enthusiast)


            It is script generated, you would need to externally style such as: li.twitter iframe {margin-top:5px;} or in the head area <style type="text/css">li.twitter iframe {margin-top:5px;}</style>


              Gosh you are good aren't you? I added the style in the <head> of the outer layout (and extended info layout because my extended info is a whole page) and it looks great now. The final adjustment was 4px top and 8px left. Thank you so much.

              Justin Hill (Half-to-three-quarters-baked Mac expert, laptop evangelist and vintage Hammond enthusiast)

