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Push Button Grid With Out Of Stock Buttons

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    Push Button Grid With Out Of Stock Buttons

    Hi All,

    This was a popular implementation on versions 8 and 9 but it has not transferred over to version 10 very well because of the use of realtime stock.

    After some playing around and a bit of tweeking I have managed to get it to work on version 10. The main differences are that the real time stock will not work in the push button grid but will work on single choice items. Therefore this will still require you to publish to web each time to get the out of stock buttons on the web site.

    Attached in a zip file are the amended templates. The changes are not detailed in this thread as they are too complex to add here. I have therefore given an overview of them below:

    actinic_main.php - Save this file into C:\Program Files\Actinic v10, it is worth saving a copy of the original actinic_main.php in case you decide to go back.

    The following templates all need adding in, but please note you may need to amend these slightly depending on your layout:-

    Add To Cart Button Image - The change here allows you to have 2 styles of cart button depending on whether it is for the push button grid or the single item choice. The extra variable here is CartButtonGridImage which is my small Add to Cart button(button_buy_small.gif) for the push button grid.

    Push Button Grid - This adds the extra information for the actinic_main.php to create the out of stock buttons. Also, the extra section on the end changes the preview mode layout. If this extra section on the end is not included the 'New Order Tab' will crash and close Actinic and you will also see errors on your preview pages on the content tab.

    Standard Component Layout - This is a minor change to stop actinic crashing in preview mode.

    The extra images needed wil be:
    button_buy_nostock.gif - Out of Stock image
    button_buy_invalid.gif - Option not available image
    button_buy_small.gif - Push button grid button

    Once all this is done you will need to close actinic and then re-open it to get the changes to work.

    If anyone needs any further explaination please ask, but please beware these changes are not for the novice user and you will need to have a good understanding of actinic

    Attached Files
    Mad 4 Ponies

    Something's wrong

    Hi Billy.

    Thanks for all your efforts on this topic so far.
    I'm trying implement these changes now but not getting the desired results. I've taken a look at your site and see that you have this working, so where did I go wrong?

    What I did:

    1. Dowloaded your xipped file (thank you )

    2. Backed up my Actinic_main.php file.

    3. Replaced the actinic_main.php file with the one in your zip file.

    4. Located the existing layouts in the design library with the names the same as the .txt file in your download. So under 'Add To Cart Button' I located the 'Add To Cart Button Image' layout and pasted the contents of your .txt file of the same name over the top. I repeated this process for the 'Attributes|Push Button Grid' Layout and 'Components|Standard Component Layout' layout.

    5. Made a button for 'CartButtonGridImage'

    6. Restarted Actinic.

    The result was actinic telling me that "Variable 'CartButtonGridImage' is not defined in 34 Places"

    Also, the resulting layout created an info table with the attributes listed and prices down the right hand side.
    Below that was a dropdown menu for one attribute, and below that a radio button menu for the second attribute.

    Any ideas would be hugely appreciated.


      5. Made a button for 'CartButtonGridImage'

      The result was actinic telling me that "Variable 'CartButtonGridImage' is not defined in 34 Places"

      I suggest you just put the image file address in here instead of using the CartButtonGridImage

      Also, the resulting layout created an info table with the attributes listed and prices down the right hand side.
      Below that was a dropdown menu for one attribute, and below that a radio button menu for the second attribute.

      As for the info table, this is supposed to happen, the push button grid will appear on your site when you publish to web. The push button grid does not work in preview mode and causes actinic to crash when you go to the new orders tab.

      As for your layouts, they may be different to mine, hence you will need to compare your layouts with mine and work out which changes you need to make to get this to work on your site.

      Hope this helps
      Mad 4 Ponies

