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Actinic 10 closes immediately after logging in

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    Actinic 10 closes immediately after logging in

    Actinic Business Plus 10 / XP pro SP3 / AVG

    Immediately after starting up Actinic Business and logging in as Administrator the database screen opens in the content tree followed instantly by the windows error sound ( sometime theres also window that dissapears too fast to read or screen capture) and Actinic closes immediately.

    This was working perfectly a few weeks ago when I used it last and the same machine has V6 and V9 on it which both run normally. I suspect its a microsoft update thats been automatically installed since it last worked okay but have no idea which one and trying to rollback all the updates is bound to break something else.

    I've tried stopping all unnecessary processes/ rebooting / safe mode / with and without network etc, but the result is the same for all ( except safe mode which hung at the initializing site objects 'starting processes' stage.)

    I managed to capture the error screen using Camstudio but it just says Actinic has failed and to email the dump files to actinic for processing ( which I have done .)

    Any ideas how to fault find this or what the problem might be ?

    Reboot your PC then turn off you AV and firewall programs then see if it still does it.


      I have tried suspending the AVG service and everything else that isnt needed including firewall then rebooting with the services stopped.

      I have also removed all microsoft updates back to when it worked last.

      And finally checked I can open the access file with access with no problem.


      it still exits immediately after logging in.


        Try a repair and compact in MS Access and then open Actinic. If that doesn't help then I suggest you either roll back to a previous snapshot or contact Actinic support for assistance.


          Have discovered the following registry key

          is set to
          C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Actinic v10\Sites
          but this directory does not exist.

          I changed the key to a real folder and now Actinic 10 starts but obviously doesnt have any site info but at least it isnt crashing out every time I log in but dont know yet if I have screwed anything else up now of if I can restore from one of the backup snapshots.

          More anon.


            Where is your Sites folder?


              I think I have sussed some of the problems:

              the machine I have been trying to access the site on is only at 10.0.1 whereas the Site folder on the network was created by a machine running 10.0.3.

              For some reason the 10.0.1 machine has a completely different directly structure to that expected and recorded in the Registry.

              Having edited the registry to point into the right places, not surprisingly, its not reading the 10.0.3 version of the site very well and complaining about missing pages etc.

              I'm still not sure how it all got into this mess in the first case but pretty sure its going to be a mistake on my part sometime in the past rather than a software bug.

              The good news
              I just installed 10.0.4 onto a laptop and restored the whole site from the last snapshot and upgraded and it looks pretty good at first glance.

              Moral of the story ... on a networked setup be VERY careful about maintaining software versions on each machine that accesses the site and make absolutely sure you take a snapshot regularly !!!

              Now to try and figure out why it runs SO incredibly slowly on the network.

