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how to connect 2 product for a country?

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    how to connect 2 product for a country?

    Hi as usual belgium is a special country.
    For each battery we have to ask an ecological fee so for example:

    price battery: 0,6 euro
    eco fee:0,1239 euro.

    So customers in europe only have to pay 0,6 euro, however belgian people need to pay:0,7239 euro.

    is there an option i tell actinic that visitors from belgium need to pay the 0,1239 extra for each battery?
    If it is possible they could also pay with visa …. now i need to change the order manually and ad an extra product ( the eco fee )to it.
    It would be better if actinic does it automatically online.


    An alternative answer

    Hi Dirk. Somebody else can help with your question, but I have another suggestion. How about making life easier for yourself by charging everybody the same price, whether in Belgium or not, as long as the you make enough overall. For example, you could charge everybody 0.66 Euros.



      You're not going to get a country specific surcharge facility, thought that was against EU regs anyway? Only way you will do it is to add extra to the delivery charge of this product when shipped to Belgium.


        Originally posted by saucysal View Post
        Hi Dirk. Somebody else can help with your question, but I have another suggestion. How about making life easier for yourself by charging everybody the same price, whether in Belgium or not, as long as the you make enough overall. For example, you could charge everybody 0.66 Euros.

        Hi sarah, was it so simple. the problem is we use sage 50 for the big clients.
        and the law states that we need to give every battery type a special eco number. so at the end they can see how much batteries from a type and chemistry are sold. So the eco tax must always be stated separately as a tax.
        We are not allowed to put it into the price. It would be easy if the complete EU has the same tax and system. But even the UK has a new system for that these days.


          leehack, is there an possibility that i can put a RED remark in the "check out" based on the country?
          for example if a belgian client has 4 batteries in it . i make a remark ( don't forget to pay your eco tax , click here at ad)


            Is this for a website selling in Belgium or selling to customers in Belgium from another EU country?

            I thought that within the EU you just had to charge the taxes that your own country applies. i.e. for a UK website you just charge UK taxes. This sounds contrary to that.

            To answer you're question though. You could have an optional product option for Belgian customers to tick that would apply the tax. This would sit at the product level though and I'm not sure many customers would leave it ticked.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              "Can you please tick this so you are charged more" decided on solely by the user is something that at best will produce inconsistent results. Stop picking on the Belgians, they make great chocolate!

              Your only guaranteed to be an applied cost is as I mentioned via delivery as that is automatic.


                If it is a tax, can't you just enter it as a tax? Actinic allows 2 and you can set it up either as range of percentages or as custom, where you enter the amount for each product (or zero where it doesn't apply). Taxes can be country specific.

                This seems to simple, the clever people here will now tell me what I have missed.
                Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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                  You might be right Jan, i was seeing this more as a range of products that required this, not all of them. But your solution would still work on that because you can set the tax rate on the product. So your idea looks pretty close to a solution, how that tax shows up on invoices, receipts, emails would be my only concern, can you call it eco tax when Belgians are on the site and buying batteries, vat everywhere else though?


                    I think the trouble with trying to set it as a tax is that you have to charge and report both VAT and the 'eco tax'.

                    I'd probably set up a separate site for Belgium and set the eco tax as a component. It's not ideal but if that's what you have to do then that's the only way I can see as doing it.


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                      The site will show two taxes, VAT and eco tax, you could customise reports and the basket / cart to add them together under VAT though, I was wondering if there were other countries with extra eco tax as well so that a whole range of taxes would need to be setup - I think it would still work though, because it's similar to us state tax on top of national tax.

                      I prefer the two site idea myself as well though to be honest.

                      Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
                      Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

                      Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
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                      Product Mash for Sellerdeck
                      Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
                      Multichannel order processing
                      Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


                        first, i am a belgian , and i like chocolate

                        The problem is easy, each eu country has his own eco tax( belgium, uk, nl,...)
                        If you by a battery in germany you pay their tax. But if you export you don't have to pay it. It is the person in a country that receives the batteries that needs to tell his government he has imported a batteries and he needs to pay the eco tax in his country.

                        As a belgian we have a website selling very cheep ( import prices ) and most costumers are outside belgium. all that goes fine. But a belgian costumer needs to pay the eco tax for belgium. And there are 2 other exceptions ( the swiss and the luxembourg, we have to put an eco tax for them to.)

                        so short: nobody in the world needs to pay eco tax at my shop except ( BE, LU and swiss)
                        all the rest that don't pay must do it in their country ( although thats what the EU rules say)

                        and i cannot incline my prices because than they are not correct with sage50.

                        you must have the same problem for UK customers.


                          Maybe their is an other option but i don't know how to do it:

                          What if i have a script in the shopping card that checks if it is a belgian customer, and than sets ( amount of batteries) x 0,1239.

                          This way it writes just an extra product in the shopping card.


                            It will take a bit more than a simple script but you could do it this way.

                            What I would do for this is:

                            - create a product (Belgium Battery Tax) at 0,1239 Eu
                            - Put an item into the cart, manually add the Belgium battery tax product.
                            - Change the permissions on the session file on the server and ftp it up to your computer. This will show you what lines you need to add to the session file for the battery tax.
                            - Now create some javascript to check for the Belgium country code
                            - If Belgium selected, call a php script to insert the battery tax lines to the session file for the required number of products. (I like php for this, other methods might suit you better)
                            - refresh the page.

                            Things to keep in mind:

                            1. Do you only sell batteries? if not how will you know which items in the cart are batteries.

                            2. Your script should not just add the tax for Belgium, but also remove the tax if it exists for when NOT Belgium. In case the customer changes the country code.


                            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


