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Browser always returns to the top of the page!

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    Browser always returns to the top of the page!

    Every single page of my website, no matter where you are, returns to the top of the page when it finishes loading. I have looked at some sample Actinic websites and this problem does not occur elsewhere so it must be something in my code that is causing this to happen and it must be something that is on every page of my website.

    THIS ONLY HAPPENS IN INTERNET EXPLORER. I managed to fix the problem in Version 9 by switching off Compatibility mode. Version 7 does not have Compatibility Mode so the problem persists.

    This is no good for customers using INTERNET EXPLORER who click back from the extended info and should return to the thumbnail they were on.

    I have searched the forum for some clues, I have also searched Microsoft support and a general internet search but so far have not found a solution.

    I have started a new thread on this because it is important that I get it solved and I am looking for any suggestion or insights, any clue to what might be causing this.

    Can you perhaps give us the page and link that this happens on so we can look at the problem?


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      My web address is wwwdotmadaboutjewellerydotcom. I am grateful simply for your response. As far as I know this happens in INTERNET EXPLORER 7 and IE 9 with Compatibility mode enabled. I don't know about IE8.


        A specific page and product where this happens would save us all wasting time hunting around.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



 Clicking the Back to Product List button should return you to the thumbnail picture of this product, not the top of the page.
          This is only in INTERNET EXPLORER 7 and IE 9 with Compatibility Mode enabled.


            It works for me in IE8.

            There does appear to be a bug in IE where it won't go to the a name tag if it's empty, which it is in this case:

            <a name="abro190"></a>

            Try putting a space (&nbsp) into it and see if that fixes it.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Thanks for that Mike. Unfortunately it didn't work.

              Not sure about the bug in IE. On the surface it looks like it could be, but I tried one or two sample Actinic websites and they seem to work fine.


                can you show me one where it works? I might be able to spot the difference.


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                  That's the thing! In IE7 it doesn't work at all. Every single page bounces to the top when it finishes loading. When it works like in IE9 (with compatibility mode disabled) it works across the entire site. I must say I am relieved to here that it works for you in IE8.

                  I have come to the conclusion that it must be caused by something that is on every single page of the website and I'm looking at that possibility right now.


                    Sorry. maybe I wasn't clear. I was asking if you can point me to some of the other websites (Sample actinic websites) you've found that do work.

                    Or are you talking about using actinic's default website on your own server?


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




                      If you scroll to bottom of this page then click a product it takes you to the Extended Info. Using the back button on the browser the page returns to the thumbnail you were on.

                      Using the Actinic default sample page is a good idea.


                        But these are two very different things.

                        When you use the back button on a browser it will return to the page in the same scroll position it was before. It's not going to any particular product, just the browser remembering where on the page it was before it followed the link.

                        Your 'Back to product List' button is a new link, so the browser is moving forwards not going back. In this case the link uses the # name tag to tell the browser where in the page you want it to go to.

                        I know it's not a great help, but if we want to compare two pages, one which works and one which doesn't, then we need to be looking at the same thing.


                        I have seen other sites just using javascript to replicate the back button behaviour. All you need is

                        <a href="javascript:window.history.go(-1);" title="Back to product list">Back to product list</a>


                        <a href="#" onclick="history.go(-1);return false;">« BACK TO PRODUCT LIST</a>

                        That might work better for you.


                        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                          I used to use this simple javascript or something similar. One small problem with it is when a visitor adds to the card from the extended info page, which the Confirm, they are sent back to Extended info page. Then they click Back and return to the shopping cart.

                          I'm not making myself clear am I! For me IE7 does the same thing whether you use my "Back to Product List" button or the browser back button. In both cases the browser jumps to the top of the page. This would indicate a bug, but if it's a bug, why do other website behave as they should and return to the correct place on the previous page?

                          I will continue to pursue a solution.


                            If other sites work fine, then it may be that you've some invalid HTML (badly nested tags, incomplete tables, etc) that is messing up the DOM and making the anchor location hard to detect. And that's the sort of thing that's often browser dependent.

                            See for example where a site's checkout was bust in Chrome and Safari because of an unclosed <strong> tag.
                            Norman -
                            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                              Just to let you know that I haven't solved this problem yet. Painstakingly going through html code to check for your suggestions Norman, of unclosed tags of bad mark-up. haven't found anything and been over it several times. Removed items completely one by one to find the offending code but no results yet. There's got to be something in there because other Actinic sites do not have this problem in IE7.
                              Search continues...

