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Return from PSP/Paypal

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    Return from PSP/Paypal

    Hopefully someone is able to help with this....

    I'm on V10 and have the following problem when a payment is made via PayPal or my PSP (CardSave). Instead of returning to the site and issuing the email receipt to the customer, I get the following:

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: Bad input string "SEQUENCE=3&ACTION=Finish&ORDERNUMBER=AL99PF10000057&REFPAGE=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2ewell%2dnecessities%2eco%2euk%2facatalog%2fTest%2ehtml&&ACTINIC_REFERRER=https%3a%2f%2fmms%2ecardsaveonlinepayments%2ecom%2fPages%2fPublicPages%2fPaymentForm%2easpx". Argument count 10.
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    The usual reason for seeing this is if regions of the UK have been set up within shipping. In short, the problem is if there are states/provinces set up for the UK, this isn't compatible with PayPal. I am unaware of any workaround except removing the states/provinces.
    Note that there are some valid ISO codes for some English islands etc. that could probably be used, see


      I seem to remember there being a script hack (or psp hack) that changed everything to be just 'UK' (or 'GB' or whatever it needs to be). I'm a bit vague on this, and haven't time to look for it now, but I'm sure I'm not imagining it.

      If no one else knows it I'll have a look tomorrow and see if I can find the thread.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


