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Really Strange

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    Really Strange

    This is strange to me, but just thought I would run it past those more experienced than I, to see if there is a possible reason for it....

    On checking our websites to ensure that customer order confirmation emails were being sent, I put through a couple of dummy orders paying both by PayPal and Debit Card and was concerned to find that I wasn't personally receiving my order conf's, but we were receiving our copy order conf's on our company emails.

    I kept trying with several different scenarios as I know this can be a problem. I finally decided to change my personal email address on the orders I was placing, and I started to receive my 'customer' copy of the order confirmation ???

    After further messing about and several (maybe 20!) orders later I can now say that emails using Tiscali (now talk talk), do not receive order confirmations. (all other email addresses I tried receive them ok).......incidentally - no spam filters whatsoever are used on the Tiscali email addreses and they receive email ok from other sources.

    Has anyone any idea at all why this might be ?

    Could your server (IP Adress) be on a blacklist with them?

    Not just your site but the whole shared server if you have a shared one
    Chris Ashdown


      Originally posted by chris ashdown View Post
      Could your server (IP Adress) be on a blacklist with them?

      Not just your site but the whole shared server if you have a shared one
      Yes, that was my thought as well. I've heard of something similar before happening, IIRC there was a problem with a user on a shared box getting the IP blacklisted.

      If you want to trial our hosting give me a shout, you could probably get your answer that way.
      Benjamin Dyer
      CEO - SellerDeck Ecommerce Software for SME's

      SellerDeck is the new name for Actinic Desktop

      Have you tried searching the Knowledge Base?


        Mmmmm - that all sounds a strong possability.

        After checking though the net it seems that it is a common problem with Tiscali blocking things and not telling the user what is blocked.

        I really do not want to change hosting providers....we have just done this six months ago as we were not happy with 123-reg

        I have found a couple of links to websites with a facility to check if IP addresses are blocked and have run ours through them, but according to the report they all seemed ok, but no doubt the lists are not difinitive.

        I suppose we can sort of get around it as we use '1 stop' software to process our orders, so we will just have to look out for anyone with a Tiscali email address and send an order conf manually which uses our own ISP which just happens to be Tiscali!

        Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

