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ProductList in Single Product Pages

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    ProductList in Single Product Pages

    When I add a ProductList to a single product page layout in 'Product Page Bulk Area' under the 'page-heading' div, although it works, I get loads of errors.

    Errors like

    "The 'ProductName' variable has been placed within the 'Standard Product Image' layout, but it won't work there"

    It also stops the image displaying for the single product on display.

    Is there a correct way to list the other products (link and thumbnail mainly) in the same section as the currently viewed Single Product Page?

    Why not use related products feature, that does just that for you?


      Because I want the related products as well.

      Basically the purpose is to have a section for a product which has several different colours, but I don't want to use options/attributes i.e. each colour gets its own product. It's for SEO reasons. I also then want to use the related products as per normal.


        Use also boughts and rename them would be another option. Or use related products and split the list so you could say first 4 are to go in related list and the rest are your other list. You can use the listindex variable to split up lists.


          Thanks, I'd already considered those options. The listindex sounds most likely. It just would be nice to use the "obvious" method, especially as it nearly works. Client doesn't want to go to v11 yet after all, so it's back to the old sub-section hack for single product pages.

          Ironically this makes my life easier, as I can use a section list.


            So I'm back on V11 with this project and it turns out, as long as you add the "ProductList" block after the "ProductPageProductLayout" in the code, the errors go away and it all works fine. I now need to use absolute positioning for my list but I can live with that.

