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Chrome & Safari Browser Problems

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    Chrome & Safari Browser Problems

    I've seen a few topics referring to Chrome & Safari problems and I'm wondering (no, hoping!) if anyone found a cause or fix for this yet?

    I've just gone live on v11 Business (from a v9 snapshot) and have found that Chrome & Safari are stalling at the 'saving your order' stage the customer isn't being passed to SagePay.

    Our host is 1 & 1 and I'm not at all expert with scripts. I have, however, disabled Google Analytics and copied over the original actinicextras.js all without success. With my lack of knowledge I'm wary about delving too much further into the depths.

    I've had to re-upload v9 after receiving several phone calls from customers asking why they can't pay for their orders.

    IE 8&9 and Firefox work fine - it just seems to be Chrome and Safari that has the problems and as our customers are artists a very large proportion are using these browsers on their Macs.

    Thanks in anticipation.

    Searching using your very own topic title - "Chrome & Safari Browser Problems" leads to

    Might be worth putting a page through an HTML validation site and looking for unclosed or badly nested tags.

    E.g. shows plenty of possible culprits.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thank you Norman I've just given the validation a go (I didn't even know there was such a thing as a HTML validation site!).

      However, the results may as well be in Egyptian Hieroglyphics for all the sense they make to me!

      It seems as if I'll be sticking with v9 for a while yet!


        Just a quick update in case someone else is struggling .......

        I had some formatted text in the header section (Site Options -> General -> Header Text).

        I had missed a </strong> at the end of the header text. It didn't affect v9, but v11 glitched with Chrome & Safari.

        Once the </strong> was added all was well.

        Many thanks to Robert in Actinic Technical Support for tracking this down.


          Along these lines but unrelated to Actinic, the Nat West online banking site does not like Chrome at all, it gave me all sorts of errors and refused to accept valid passwords pin numbers etc. Gave me loads of grief.
          Steve Griggs.

          "People in business often miss opportunities, mainly because they usually arrive dressed in overalls and looking like work."

