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Checkout page 0 and receipt page too wide

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    Checkout page 0 and receipt page too wide

    Hi - my site is 910 pixels wide and the inner centre space for actinic content is 536 pixels wide. It works fine except for the checkout page 0 which has layout code - 'both addresses address field' with the invoice and delivery input fields next to each other which pushes out the containing table. Also the receipt page has the same problem.

    Is there a way to get round this?

    Site options > receipt page layout, choose the specific layout for this area, it should never be presented within the site framework as not printable that wide.

    As for checkout, check your widths (3) in site options, you have something wrong or have hard coded widths, actinic will just fit it into the area it has usually of which yours is enough space.


      PS - why 910 pixels wide, no point to that width, its no mans land, you'd either go old school 770ish or go 1003, you're wasting 100 pixels of available space.

