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create customer accounts online + login page

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    create customer accounts online + login page


    Sorry for all the questions but thought I would do this before calling actinic support!

    We are aiming to have the login page first before customers can view the site - so whichever page they land on be it the home page or a sub cat page landed on through google - they are auto directed to the login page.

    I have selected 'always create accounts for new online customers' in business settings > ordering. I have also ticked 'Request Login on Shop Entry'

    However it would appear a product must be selected before being prompted to login.

    I thought I would create a login and my account button in dreamweaver which would direct straight to the login page and account pages.

    Q) What is the url of the login page?

    I presume it would be www.yourwebsite/acatalog/login.html ?

    Q) What is the url of the my account page?

    Q) I also want customers to be able to create an account online. How do I do this?

    Q) Also where can I edit the register a new customer form?

    1) yes, but don't forget the on your domain name, there is an actinic variable for the login page URL, use that
    2) The accounts page shows up, once logged in, i don't think you will be able to access it without first logging in, so may as well just go to the login page
    3) Business settings is where the account opening options are found, choose the appropriate one
    4) The checkout process gets all that is needed for the account page, so people progress through there to open an account at the same time they buy, if you want accounts to be able to be opened without buying, you can set them up for them or set up a £0.00 product as 'membership' and ask them to buy it.


      Thanks for the useful info. Would it be possible to insert a link to the login page here instead of it simply saying 'contact us' which is a bit vague

      'This catalog is reserved for registered customers only. Please contact us to register.'

      I presume I would access the code from design view and insert the url there?

      Layout Code - Message for unregistered customers
      <div align="center"><span class="actsmall"> <Actinic:UNREG><p><actinic:variable name="UnregCustomersNotAllowedMessage" /></p></Actinic:UNREG></span></div>


        I have altered the message refered to above in design text to include a hyperlink as below:

        However the login page does is a 404 non exist. Is this because online ordering is suspended or is it because I have entered in the wrong hyperlink?

        This catalog is reserved for registered customers only. <a href="">Please click here to register.</a>



          "Click here to register" and you want to take them to the login page. That defies any logic surely?

          As mentioned before, use the LoginPageURL variable. I think with v11 this has now become a script driven login link, something like:



            Thanks Lee for feedback.

            I thought the login page would have an option to register? Ah I see it doesn't and I would direct them round in circles - whoops!

            What is the page to direct new customers to as I want them to be able to create an account online? Can this be done?


              Read post #2, you're repeating yourself like my 72 year old father.


                Am I missing something????

                When I login, it takes me to the main catalogue page and it says "Welcome to Online Catalogue Paul Daly"

                but I can't access the 'my account' page. There is no link!

                If I access it gives me the page, but with alll the variables showing:



                been a long day... so I'm sure I've definitely missed/deleted something.

                So does anyone have a URL/code that I need for accessing the myaccount page once logged on.
                Paul Daly
                web design | graphic design | illustration


                  Sorry... I finally found what I was looking for.

                  Paul Daly
                  web design | graphic design | illustration

