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Editing slows to a crawl on network v11 databases

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    Editing slows to a crawl on network v11 databases

    Our v11 databases (for three sites) are on a network share, and all users, editors and order managers alike, connect to it.

    We're set up so that I'm the only one with editing privileges, all others have order processing only. But I'm finding that when I even click on an item, the software goes from hourglass to Not Responding to Item locked by user Admin (me), and if I click down further into each component, attribute, or choice, it does the same.

    So now it's taking me five times as long to edit an item than it did in previous versions, and seriously crippling my productivity. If there's no fix, my president will insist that I find another e-comm package, and I don't want that. I have two sites with 5,000 SKUs each and a third that's pushing 50,000 SKUs. Flat-file imports are blazing fast for managing the single SKU items, but for any configurables, we've ground to a screeching halt.

    I've looked at other threads, but the suggestion of "disconnect from the network" means I can't get to my database at all.

    Is anyone else using a network shared database? If so, how do you get around the speed issue? Looks like it's happening to v11 databases even when they're on a local machine.


    BTW: My machine's an Intel Core i5 3.2GHz processor with 12GB RAM, and Win7 64-bit SP1. Database is on a server, far more powerful than my own user machine.

    I don't think this is normal so get Actinic support involved. They're the experts and that's why you're paying for cover.


    PS. There are lot's of general speed 'gotchas' around that may or may not be the issue (not network related). The most common of these is 'Add this' and other external imags and widgets that aren't prevented from previewing with a block-if

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Hello Beth

      These threads from our knowledge base could help if they haven't been tried yet.


      If the problem persists however, I would go with Mike's idea of contacting Actinic support so they can investigate the site DB and advise further course of action.

      Krithika Chandrasekar


      E-commerce software by SellerDeck



        Have turned off preview mode (I wasn't using it anyway), and changed IE compatiblity to IE8 from 9, which I found in another post on the forum.
        Haven't added the BlockIf tags yet, but will.

        Have noticed some improvement already.

        Thanks for the assists! Have been a user for about 14 years now, and this forum is one of the main reasons.


          Haven't added the BlockIf tags yet, but will.
          The block ifs on external items will make an enormous difference. Turning off previewing doesn't prevent Actinic doing the background preparation.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Hi, had implemented twitter, facebook like, google + and pinterest buttons but slowed site way down. Had the block if tag around the code in the page where the buttons go but many of these ask you to put javascript code in the head section as well. Should you have block if preview statement in the header area as well?
            David Sewell
            The Cotton Patch


              Huge speed improvements

              Thanks to everybody for the suggestions on fixing my speed issues.

              I found the biggest improvement came in turning off the preview mode. Difference was immediate and huge. Almost like when I was back on a stand-alone earlier version of the software.

              After that, the BlockIf does make previewing in FireFox and IE faster, but doesn't seem to affect the application much. Even so, it's becoming part of my standard operating procedure in Actinic.


                That's good to know Beth
                Krithika Chandrasekar


                E-commerce software by SellerDeck

