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Actinic v11 & Mobile Optimisation

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    Actinic v11 & Mobile Optimisation

    First things first I am using Actinic Business Plus v11.

    I know Actinic has an online version that is mobile ready but I don't want to use this for cost issues as I have been looking at the market and although I might be wrong there are better and more cost efficient alternatives.

    How easy do people think that it is to optimize a site that has around 5000 products for mobiles?

    As mobile traffic to websites is something that is increasing at a rate of knots perhaps it's something that we could discuss on here at greater length.

    This is being discussed more and more frequently.
    "Responsive Web Design" is the way to deliver one website that conforms to multiple layouts/devices e.g. desktop, tablet (portrait & landscape), smart phones, web enabled TV's etc.....
    We are working hard at conforming Sellerdeck to fit the design models required (particularly the checkout) and we will be shouting about it as soon as we get the quality to a level we are happy with.

    As to how easy it is........... it's not down to the number of products, more the effort required to amend the CSS and templates.
    Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
    Ecommerce Digital Marketing

    SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

    SellerDeck Hosting
    SellerDeck Digital Marketing


      A few threads recently discussing this with differing views on best way to go about it.

