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Stock control on free product?

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    Stock control on free product?

    I'm trying to offer a free product when a customer buys a product from a group, but there needs to be stock control on the free product.

    So I've created the product group and added all the products that trigger the freebie - each time a customer buys one of these, they should get product X free... but it's only available until X runs out.

    Product X is part of the normal store and can still be bought separately, but for the life of me I can't see how to associate Product X with the offer products to ensure the stock level goes down each time a customer gets one "free".

    Hope that makes sense - can anybody point me in the right direction as I'm going round in circles.

    Cheers - Helen

    Morning Helen

    This can be achieved using the Cart Contents discount feature, you would need to make it clear to the customer that the free product has to be added to the cart along with the offer products in order to avail of the discount.
    More details are mentioned under the topic 'Discounts Based On Products Ordered' in the main Help.

    As the free product is also a physical product in the catalog and assuming it has stock control check enabled, if it is included in the order, it's stock will be reduced once the order downloads.
    Hope this helps.

    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      Thanks Krithika - sorted


