We want to offer a free item to our customers if they spend over a certain amount. I have figured out how to put in the coupon for it but is there a good way to add the item right to the cart if their order is over the certain amount?
Our site is www.poolsplusinc.com and if you buy $350 in product the free t-shirt offer ends up in their cart but just takes $24.99 off of their total even if they did not choose a shirt.
Any help would be great! Thanks.
We want to offer a free item to our customers if they spend over a certain amount. I have figured out how to put in the coupon for it but is there a good way to add the item right to the cart if their order is over the certain amount?
Our site is www.poolsplusinc.com and if you buy $350 in product the free t-shirt offer ends up in their cart but just takes $24.99 off of their total even if they did not choose a shirt.
Any help would be great! Thanks.