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Lost html files

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    Lost html files

    Sinse upgrading to V11 I can't find the html files on my server. This might sound daft but I honestly mean it. I can Google them obviously, but I can't find them on my direct server, however, with V8, 9 & 10 I had no problem and with using the same server I've always had

    The reason I'm bothered is because Google is still listing some really old html files which I want to delete from my server but seeing as I can't find any html file I'm a bit stuffed

    Anyone else had this this before or are they deliberately hidden for V11?

    Odd. They should be in the /acatalog/ directory just as before unless you've changed the name of the online store folder.

    Any chance you've changed the file extension or maybe something is playing up on your ftp software.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Exactly Mike, it really is odd because in V10 you had a Site Html folder, but I don't have this in V11. I've not changed anything at all, in fact I uploaded a pdf the other day, then edited it and uploaded it again assuming it would say "Overwrite Existing pdf?".......oh no it didn't

      Perhaps an easier question is where is the html files located within V11 because they really has vanished in to thin air, thanks


        Are you referring to your local machine or on your hosting server?

        You can see where your files are being uploaded to on your server in your network settings and you can confirm that with a network test.

        Locally on your machine there was a folder called SiteHTML, it's location was changed from v10.0.3 onwards. See:


          Thank you Duncan

          The link you sent me has answered everything I needed to know. Thank you for taking the time on this, now I know where they all are now

